A Half Blood of the Elder gods Ch. 11

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4/11/14-Last updated

(Unknown POV)

I yanked on his hood. The hood felt cool and wet on my hand, but it was totally dry. The hood fell. Revealing who the mysterious hero is. (Cue for jaws to drop) IT WAS HIM??? He glanced upon me. The beautiful seagreen eyes stared into mine. Percy Jackson. He stared at me for a second. Then the whole lake's water erupted, into like 30 feet tall. I scrambled back to my mother. Percy screamed,"Brain child!!!! Let me punish you for what you just did!!!!!" Even Ray started to back away from his father. My mother held me like a baby. Percy then let the water go back to the lake, let it calm down. But, the next thing he did caught me on surprise. Earthquake. Really large earthquake. You know how the Richter Scale measures earthquakes 10+, well this earthquake was more than 10. Ermmm............... maybe...... 15?? Then the Earth stopped shaking. The only ones unaffected by this earthquake was me, Ray, and Percy. The cabins around us were in ruins. Probably the Roman city around us too. Did I forget to say? The romans started living in Camp Half Blood, and built a Roman city around the camp, for retired people (not mortals), veterans, and well, people who have children. My mother, Annabeth, looked at me, strictly. She didn't look at him, who caused the earthquake. At me. She scolded at me like Demeter (no offense to Demeter) and said something like,"CHASE MARTINEZ!!"I flinched at the use of my full name. "How dare you do something which caused this chain of events. There's a reason why my son and ex-boyfriend had their hoods up!! As a descendent of Athena/Minerva, that was very unwise of you." I was shocked to hear I have a umm... half brother/cousin.

Ray=cousin. Check. Ray=half brother. ?? Question mark. 

(Percy POV)

How to make things more worse and complicated after my hood 'fell off' the Olympians flashed in, and the hunters were with Artemis. Well, not Zeus. Poseidon was in front. I guess my dad is king of the gods now... YAY!!! Well anyways..... I'm not killed yet. :D

(Poseidon POV)

I saw Percy, and Chase, and campers, cabins that looked like an earthquake happened here, and -- who is that boy next to Percy? Everyone knelt, except for Chiron, well, he couldn't bow, in centaur or human form. He shook my hand. I said with confidence,"No need to bow to me. I'm not like Zeus... who turned out to be a traitor..." To children of the sky god looked pissed off. Thalia, lieutanant of the hunters, screamed,"He would never betray the gods!!!! You just want to be king!!!!!" Hermes, made an Iris message appear. It showed Zeus secretly going to the enemy base. And talking to the "lord" who was only Hyperion, and discussing plans to attack Olympus. Zeus then said,"I removed my power on my seat so if my seat of power (throne) was destroyed, I wouldn't be." But I heard that Tartarus was involved letting the monsters escape to the mortal world more easily. I heard rumors that Hyperion was killed. And that a half blood of the elder gods is going to lead the monsters into war. Huh. Hermes swiped his Caduceus through the IM. Jason flew into the air and summond his sword. Only to be slammed back by a wave caused by Percy. Jason fell to the Earth, dazed. Thalia thrusted her hands into the air and caused lightning to strike me. I calmly said,"Your power doesn't affect me." Then something that caught my eye happened, Thalia, unsheathed one of her hunting knives, then stabbed her leg, a deep cut. She then fainted probably because of blood loss. Both children of the sky was sent to the infirmary. Percy then explained to me the guy who was standing next to him was his son. And Annabeth's son. Ray Jackson. Another grandchild for me!!! 

Author's Note-

Okay. That was a bad chapter, but I had to get the random stuff written away, because its kind of important. I promise that the next chapter might be a little more interesting to read.... maybe. Well, bye!

Main Characters clarification-

Martin Martinez: son of Poseidon, brother of Percy Jackson, presumed dead

Rip: Percy Jackson, kind of like a nickname for people to not know his true identity

Percy Jackson: son of Poseidon, brother of Martin Martinez

Chase Martinez- son of Martin Martinez and Annabeth Chase, nephew of Percy, descendent of Poseidon, half brother/cousin of Ray Jackson

Ray Jackson- son of Percy and Annabeth Chase, nephew of Martin, descendent of Poseidon, half brother/cousin of Chase

Annabeth Chase- mother of Chase and Ray, ex-girlfriend of Percy, current girlfriend of Martin, daughter of Athena

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