Just One Look and I'm Falling

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Tommy POV
Waiting for that final bell felt like forever. Just as I was giving up hope on ever leaving this hell, a piercing ringing echoed down the halls. Afterwards the silence only lasted a second before absolute chaos broke loose.
Kids were running down hallways at full speed, eyes fixed on the school gates. I, along with everyone else, was relieved and frankly ecstatic to finally be free for another six weeks, but unlike everyone else I calmly walked out the gates and to my car.

Only the Summer and then one more year of this hell hole. Okay, so it's not actually that bad. But when you don't have many friends, every school day feels like a year and every school year feels like a never ending whirlpool of hate and despair, swirling you around in the midst of lessons and classes and homework like the current will never let you go...
Or is that overreaction?

So I'm dramatic, sue me.

At least I can go out to clubs with my fake ID now. One of 'the skanks' (the kids who bunk off every lesson to smoke and listen to death metal around the back of the school? Yeah. Them.) got it for me.
So apparently my name is Derek and I'm 23. Oh well, better than nothing. Who knows, maybe I'll meet a nice guy at one of these places.

Yeah, I'm gay but it doesn't matter. It doesn't define who I am, just the gender I happen to fall in love with.

I get in my car and start to drive to my crappy apartment. I moved out of my parents house because they didn't want me there after I came out to them. I don't like to talk about it, but they're paying rent for this place for me and for my education still. They're not completely heartless, just can't stand the sight of a son who wasn't what everyone else wanted him to be.

The minute I get home I start thinking too much. I need to get out of here. I decide to make the most of being 'Derek' and head to a kinda tacky club I passed one day while driving around. That should take my mind off of well... everything. And I probably won't bump into anyone from school as pretty much everyone except me was invited to an end of school year party.
I'm not surprised, I haven't been too popular after punching the head of the football team for breaking my guitar. Can you blame me? That guitar practically saved my life.

I get to the club safely and show the man outside my ID. He looked me up and down a couple times then seemed to just give up on life, letting out a barely audible sigh and gesturing me to enter.
Giving him a small nod, as thanks I guess, I immediately head over to the bar and order a beer. Better start the summer off right, eh?

Just as my drink comes to me, I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around vaguely annoyed that someone was trying to talk to me, but managed to plaster a small smile on my face to at least seem pleasant, despite my irritation. That smile dropped as soon as I saw who was behind me.

Holy. Fucking. Christ. He was gorgeous. Am I staring at a model or something right now?

"Hi, I'm Adam!"

And that voice, forget model, this man is an angel for certain.

"Wow" someone whispered breathily. And then I realised it was me. I immediately clamped my mouth shut and just smiled stupidly at him.

This felt like the beginning of something to me. I know I've only known him for like two seconds but it's enough to know I never want to break eye contact with his stormy blue orbs ever.

Adam just smirked at me and continued.

"Umm, and you are?"

"Tommy Joe Ratliff, I mean just uhh Tommy" I blurted out stupidly, mentally kicking myself for being so damn awkward.

"Okay Tommy Joe, would you like to dance?" He asked me with a wink and smile.

I felt myself blush bright pink and just nodded with wide eyes. He really was beautiful with his midnight black hair held in place with some kind of magical product, stunning ocean blue eyes that seemed to change colour constantly as they reflected the glowing lights from the dance floor, and a smile that made me want to kiss him. Oh god, I have a crush, and I've barely spoken 10 words to him! Pull yourself together Tommy!

He took my hand and dragged me out onto the dance floor, never breaking eye contact or dropping that perfect smile. We moved together to the rhythm of the music and I couldn't stop smiling, or staring. I couldn't think of the name of the song, but I knew I wouldn't be forgetting the name of the person I was dancing with anytime soon.
Eventually, Adam took my hand and pulled me outside the club so we could talk, get to know each other and I found my self falling harder with every word.

I barely had a sip of that beer before this night turned around completely, but I was drunk on this feeling. And I never wanted to sober up again.

A/N - Sorry if it's a bit of a slow start but I promise it'll get better soon 😂 Thank you to anyone reading and don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment any feedback on how I could improve :D
I will probably post 2 or 3 chapters to begin with so you can get a feel for the story and then will be updating every Wednesday. Thanks, byee 💕 xx

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