~ Chapter 6 ~

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"You're my Pirate and only mine

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Selena woke up with a start and half expected to wake up in her bed back home, but nope, she was tied to a wooden pole on a ship. Great. She looked around quickly, but almost let out a yelp when she had come face to face with Harry. She rolled her eyes and looked away from him. Harry gave her a fake pout, placing his hook under chin, which now really become a habit.

"Darlin'..." He said smirking, using her 'per name' to annoy her and it worked.

She growled and looked at him, "Will you stop it with the-"

Harry placed his hook against her neck threateningly and made a 'tsk tsk' sound, while shaking his head slowly. Selena kept her head high so his hook couldn't get her, glaring at him.

"I call ye' whatever I wanna call ye'..." He said, bending his head down, but kept his eyes up, almost like a model does.

Harry took his hook away from her neck and Selena got the chance to looked down at her predicament. She was tied up pretty good. She heard Harry chuckle and looked up to see that damn smirk on his face.

"I frisked ya' when ya' was asleep. Make sure nothin' was on ya'." He said, still smirking.

Selena's eyes widened slightly and loudly questioned, "What?!"

Harry laughed and that made her growl. In her side view she saw Uma walking towards them. Uma smirked and stood in front of her, placing her hands on her hips. Selena gave her a fake smile, but replaced it with a scowl. Uma glared back.

"I heard about the little stunt you pulled last night." Uma finally said, walking up closer to Selena.

Selena scoffed, "Really? And for a second I thought you started to slack...."

Uma snarled and growled, slapping Selena across the face. Selena's eye closed for a moment, letting the sting pass quickly. She opened her eyes quickly to glare at Uma, who only gave her an evil smile. Uma started to walk away, but not before calling Harry.

Selena watched Harry quickly walk up to her, causing her to panic, but it shocked her when Harry lifted his hand to caress her stinging cheek. Uma called Harry again, pulling him away from his trance, giving Selena one last look before walking away.

Selena let out a deep breath and looked down at the floor, wondering what was to happened next.

After an hour, Selena looked up to see Harry walking over to her, his sword in hand. Selena panicked as he raised his sword, expecting her life to end right then and here, but she felt no pain. Harry cut the ropes that kept her attached to the wooden pole, letting her legs free, but her arms still tied.

Harry placed his swords back in her holster, but then grabbed Selena's arm, dragging her over to the plank. Selena nearly gasped as she saw her friends, all of them, standing on the other side.

Even Ben was here, who shouted, "Selena! Are you harmed?"

Selena only shook her head no, but she was pushed onto the plank. She tried not to look over the edge. Maybe now was a good time to say, she feared water, especially the ocean. Harry grabbed her by the back of her shirt, his face face next to hers.

She watched as Uma spoke to Mal, but rarely listened, only focusing on Harry and not falling. When he shoved her lightly forward, she jumped back into him. She wiggled her arms in the ropes, moving them behind her, grabbing his clothing. Surprisingly she felt Harry hold her closer to him.

"I won't let you fall darlin'..." She then heard him whisper in her ear, completely catching her off guard.

Her whole body was shaking and he could feel it, but this was not the reason he wanted her to shake against him. He at least hope it would be more pleasur-

"Harry! Bring her over here!" Uma ordered.

Harry didn't think twice and pulled her away from the plank carefully. Selena let out a breath as she was taken away from the water, but now she was being dragged over to Uma and Mal. She was shoved on her knees next to Uma. Mal stepped forward and Selena's eyes widened. Mal had Fairy Godmother wand in her hand...

"Cut her free." Umma ordered.

Harry pulled out his sword and cut the ropes, letting Selena free. Selena sprinted towards Mal, but her eyes widened as Mal gave Uma the wand. Mal turned around and started to push Selena away, who was still in shock.

Uma and her crew all cheered, including Harry, which caused Selena to feel a little hurt. Which was weird...

She watched as Uma cast a spell, or tried to at least. Uma growled as Selena smirked. Uma broke the fake wand on her knee and yelled at Mal. Uma had ordered her crew to attack, which they did. Everyone else grabbed swords, including Selena.

Soon the battle broke out and everyone was fighting. Didn't matter who they fought, they just fought till there enemy fell. As Selena fought one of the pirates she saw Harry dive in the water, making her heart jump. She pushed the pirate into the water and ran over to where Harry jumped.

She looked into the water, seeing bubbles emerge from the water. Then she let out a breath of relief as Harry popped up, letting out a gasp and taking in air. Harry swam up and started going up the ladder, but looked up to see a hand stretched out for him.

He looked up and saw Selena standing there, her hand out for him. He quickly grabbed her hand and Selena helped him out of the water.

"Now why the hell did you go in the water?! You gave me a heart attack!" Selena scowled him.

Harry smirked and chuckled, "Glad to know who care about me darlin'. But your friend dropped me hook in the water." He said, holding up his hook.

Selena rolled her eyes, but heard her name being called. She looked over to see Mal, waving her over quickly...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author- See this chapter was longer like I promised 😊😊

If you have any question, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or put it all down in the comments!

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