~ Chapter 12 ~

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"You're my Pirate and only mine

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was late at night and Selena was in her dorm, still awake doing her homework. She knew she had to get to bed soon, but with all the meetings and practice, she didn't have enough time to do her homework.

She sat at her desk, papers surrounding her. She was finishing some worksheets for math before she heard a weird noise. She looked around her half lit room, but then shrugged it off. She went back to doing her homework, but there was that noise again. Almost like someone was scratching the walls.

Selena stood up from her desk and looked around her room, checking every space, but she she saw nothing. She sighed, thinking it was just her head and decided she could finished the rest of her homework in the morning.

She shut off all the lights and laid on her bed, but jumped when something went over her mouth, keeping her from screaming. A cloth is what was over her mouth, a cloth that had a liquid on it that could put anyone to sleep. Selena's body went limp and she passed out from the chemical. An evil chuckled was heard.

~ ~ ~ ~

Selena woke up slowly, her head aching horribly. The room she was in was well lit and as her vision came to her, she noticed she was not in her dorm anymore. She tried to walk, but her feet were tied down, as well as her hands. She looked down at the ropes confused till she heard a chuckle.

Her head snapped up and she glared.

Uma stood there, her breads down from the bun this time, her usual leather outfit and hat on. Uma had an evil smirk on her, causing Selena to feel slightly nervous. Uma walked up to Selena.

"We meet again..." Uma said.

Selena scoffed, "Sadly." She sassed back.

Uma let out a low growl, but kept herself contain. She sighed and gave Selena an irritated look. Selena gave Uma a fake pout.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" Selena joked.

Uma raised her hands, slapping Selena across the face. Uma growled and snarled at Selena, who hissed in pain. Her cheek stung and it was starting to get red. Selena looked back up at Uma and glared at her.

"What do you want?" Selena finally asked.

Uma huffed, "I don't want anything. Well... Not now anyway..." She said smirking, "I came here to tell you something. Harry is my first mate. He was always by my side. Harry is with you because it's apart of our secret plan..."

Selena huffed, "Oh really? And why would you tell me this? Kind of ruins the whole secret part.."

Uma chuckled, "You are useless and a distraction to Harry. His mission is to grab the wind and come back to Isle of the Lost. Now until that happens you stay here and rot."

Selena shook her head, "No Harry has changed, he-"

Uma laughed, "He is lying. You think he actually likes you? You think he cares about you? Your wrong. He is in Auradon for one thing and one thing only. Harry is not yours, he is mine."

Selena growled, "You treat him like he is a dog!"

Uma laughed loudly again, "Harry chooses to listen. You know why he listens? Because he actually cares about me."

Selena shook her head, "No you've turned him into something he's not! You're a manipulative bitch!"

Uma growled and Selena let it a cry of pain as Uma punch her in the gut. Now the tears were escaping Selena's eyes. Uma smirked at her state and shook her head. Selena caught her breath and looked up at Uma, angry and painful tears falling from her eyes.

"Come on Selena, he's a villain and will always be a villain."

Selena shook her head slowly, "No he's not and neither are you. Your parents are. They committed the most unthinkable crimes. What happened to our parents and between our parents is their business, and their's only."

Uma huffed, but Selena continued, "I put you on the list."

Uma looked at Selena weirdly and Selena huffed a small laugh, "Well I didn't write your name down... I asked Ben if you could come to Auradon and learn with the others..."

Uma growled, "Liar!"

Selena didn't stop, "Ben refused, but I didn't give up. I know you have some good in you Uma. You wanted to free everyone in the aisle of the Lost. That's being good, that only bad part was making it happen. Fear and power won't let you have your way. Karma is a bitch and is always waiting kick your ass."

Uma slapped Selena again. Selena looked up slowly and was shocked to see tears streaming down Uma's face...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author- This is where the book kind of reaches a climax! What happens next? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or leave it all down in the comments!

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