~ Chapter 10 ~

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"You're my Pirate and only mine

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

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When Harry got the invitation to Auradon he wasn't totally surprised, but he was shocked that they were allowing him to coming over there after what he did. Uma was not happy at all and scoffed as Harry held the invitation in his hands. Uma grabbed it and ripped it apart, throwing it at one of the guards.

"Harry would never go there. Right Harry?"

Harry looked at the guards, but then looked down at the ripped up paper. What about Selena?

~ ~ ~ ~

Selena waited for the last person to step out of the limo and at first she didn't see their face, only their boots hitting the floor. A slow smile crept up on Selena's face as she then saw the hat.

Harry slowly stepped out of the limo and looked to see a large building, right there in front of him. When he was out of the limo he looked around and first saw Ben, but saw a certain someone behind the king.

Selena stepped out from behind Ben and smiled widely. Harry stood there, a actual genuine smile forming on his face. Selena slowly walked up to him and Harry walked up to her. Selena showed a cute smirk as he stood before him.

"Im happy you came..." She said quietly.

Harry chuckled and quickly placed a hand on Selena's hip, pulling her forward. Selena's body was against his and it felt right. Selena smiled up at him, placing her hands on his chest. Harry smirked down at her and placed his forehead on hers. Selena smiled more, but heard someone clear their throat.

Selena quickly stepped away from Harry to see a Evie standing there, a key and piece of paper in her hands.

"Selena why don't you show Harry to his room and then show him around?" Evie said, giving Selena a wink.

Selena rolled her eyes while taking the key and paper. She turned back around to face Harry and gently grabbed his hand. She nodded her head once towards the Dorm building and smiled.

"Come on..." Then she lightly tugged him.

Harry gripped her hand tightly and smiled, following her close behind. They continued to hold hands and walk the halls, talking at times. Selena stopped at a door and used the key to unlock it. Selena walked in and smiled, Harry didn't have a roommate, which was perfect. Harry walked in quickly and quietly shut the door, locking it, turning around to face Selena a smirk on his face.

He walked over to the desk that was in his room, taking off his hat and setting it down, doing the same with his hook. Selena sighed happily and turned to Harry.

"Well this is it. Bathroom is that door right there, the other door is the closet. If you have any questions asked me or the others."

Harry smirked and nodded, but did t say anything. Selena saw that glint in his eyes and looked at him weirdly. Harry was closer to her and he raised his hand to caress her face. He looked at her cheek and noticed a small bruise from when Uma slapped her. He frowned and Selena noticed.

"I'm ok. Just a bruise..." She said quietly.

Harry nodded, but his smirk found its way back on his face. Selena let out a yelp as Harry picked her up, slamming her against the nearest wall. Selena had her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"What is with you pinning me against walls?" Selena huffed, but giggled.

Harry smiled evilly, "I like ya' in this position..."

Selena felt a blush creep up on her face and tried to look away from him, but he gently grasped her chin to keep her from looking away. Selena looked up at him through her lashes. Harry looked down at her pouty kissable lips.

Selena bit her bottom lip, holding it there for second before letting it. Harry watched the action and almost let out animalistic growl. Selena looked at his lips, so badly wanting to feel them on hers. Deciding to make the first move, Selena leaned up and placed her lips on his. As soon as Harry felt her pouty lips on his, he kissed back, but more rough.

He held her closer to him, walking away from the wall and laying her gently on the bed, hovering over her body. Selena whimpered as Harry's lips moved from her mouth to her jaw. Harry growled lowly and kissed down her neck, sucking her skin, giving her a few hickies. Selena moaned as his lips worked on her neck.

Harry took in her sounds, drinking every tiny whimper. He went up back up to her lips, bitting and sucking her bottom lip.

"H-Harry..." Selena whispered.

Harry smirked down at her and pulled his lips away from her completely. Selena look up at him, panting. Her face and chest were hot.

"I love it when ya' submit to me..." Harry said in her ear, nibbling her earlobe.

Selena whimpered again and shiver went through her body. Harry started to kissed down her neck, but starting going lower and lower.

Knock knock!

Harry stopped and groaned in annoyance. Selena giggled as he pouted and got off her quickly. Selena stood up and sighed, readjusting her clothes. She went over to his mirror and pouted as she saw her lipstick was slightly smeared. She wiped some of it off as best as she could and picked her crazy hair.

She looked at Harry and glared at him playfully, while he only smirked and laid on his bed. Selena quickly went over to the door and opened it quickly. Selena smiled as a Evie stood there. Evie got a good look at Selena, swing her slight messy hair and even saw her lipstick was smeared. Evie smirked slowly and rose a brow at Selena, to which she groaned.

"Dinner is ready. Come down when your done..." Evie said, winking after she said the last sentence, then walked away quickly giggling to her self....

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Author- Harry and Selena have finally kissed!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or leave it all down in the comments!

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