~ Chapter 19 ~

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"You're my Pirate and only mine

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A month has past by and unexpected person was brought to Auradon prep. Uma.

Uma was given the chance to learn in Auradon and weirdly she expected. It took awhile for the other to use to having her around, especially Selena. Though Uma slowly started to fit in, but trust was a huge problem for her.

Anyways Selena and Harry are inseparable, it's almost a problem. The two are always together and at time it was really annoying to the others. So annoying Mal spoke up about it.

Selena sighed in irritation, "You guys... Me and Harry are a couple. Yes we are together all the time, but that's what makes us happy. We like being together, a lot. I know it can be annoying and I am sorry. Do know though that I will always make time for you all. You all just really need to get use to having Harry by my side, became as days pass by, we get more serious..."

It took awhile for them all to understand, but soon enough, they let it go. Selena was happy her friends some-what understood, but she knew where they were coming from. She never wanted any of them to feel like the third wheel, she knew what that was like.

She talked to Harry about it and the two decided, maybe some slight separation might be good. Selena made plans to go shopping with the girls, while Harry would play video games with boys.

~ ~ ~ ~

After the long eventful day, Selena and Harry got see each and spend time with each other. They were happy to be in each other's arms, it felt right to them.

The to cuddled on Selena's bed and talked about there day in detail. Harry told some interesting stories and it made Selena laugh, sometime she never understood the male brain. The two talked for hours, but as time passed by, they both got more tired.

Soon the two feel asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~

Days passed by and in a few months Selena, Ben, and some of the other students are going to graduate from Auradon prep. It made Selena nervous. When Selena graduated, she was don't with school forever. Also meaning she was old enough to live on her own or moved back home, with her parents.

During On of the family days Selena's parents met Harry and at first they were very wary of him, but saw Selena was truly happy with him.

Harry was proud of Selena.

Harry was not graduating, since he still had a lot to learn, but he was ok with that. He just didn't want Selena to leave him. Looks like they both shared the same fear.

Neither one of them wanted to leave each other.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author- Chapter 20 is the last chapter people!

The book is almost done!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or leave it all down in the comments!

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