~ Chapter 11 ~

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"You're my Pirate and only mine

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

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It has been a few days since Harry and new kids arrived from Isle of the Lost. Harry and Selena got closer and closer to each other, not just physically, but emotionally as well. They still haven't decided what they are, but it was clear to others that they were together. Though when Audrey returned, she didn't get that memo...

Harry walked to his locker, happy to see his hook and hat still inside. He reached in and grabbed some of his books for his next class, then he melt tiny arms wrap around his waist. He smirked and turned around to look down at Selena, who smiled widely up at him. Harry wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her close, not caring if the others stared.

As they made small talk, Audrey was near the corner, watching them intently. When she had first seen Harry, she though he was very attractive, but then she heard he was taken. Audrey was spoiled brat and expected to to get anything she wanted. Right now she wanted Harry. She didn't have a reason, but she knew that whatever Selena had, she wanted. Her and Selena never got a long, making them enemies. Yeah, enemies in Auradon.

Selena giggled as Harry whispered something in her ear, "Your such a dork." She said, kissing his lips quickly.

Harry gave her fake pout when the kiss ended to quickly, making her roll ember eyes. She patted his chest with her hands and sighed, looking up at with a smirk.

"Just wait when school is over. You'll more kisses..." Selena said quietly so only Harry could here her.

Harry chuckled and kissed her forehead quickly, turning around to grab his books and shut his locker. He turned back around and gave her a quick peck on the lips, caressing her face lightly.

"I'll be waiting darlin'..." He whispered in her ear.

Selena giggled, "I have to go, so have a school meeting."

Harry nodded in understanding and the two shared quick goodbyes before she left. Harry watched as she walked off, his eyes trailing her over her body, watching her hips naturally sway. He smirked to himself and turned around to walk off to his next class, but jumped when he saw a girl right in front of him.

"Uh hi sorry my name is Audrey... I heard your new here?" Audrey said, holding out her hand.

Harry has heard of her and Selena didn't trust her, neither did he. He gave her a fake smile and shook her hand quickly, pulling his hand away.

"Yes I'm new... Now if ye' excuse me I have class." He tried walking past her, but Audrey placed her hand on his chest to step him.

"Wait! Uh do you wanna ditch?" She said quickly, a plan forming in her head.

Harry rose an eyebrow and looked down at her hand that was on his chest. He gently grabbed it and took it off his chest, shaking his head.

"I'm good." He said, then walked pass her, a smirk on his face.

Audrey stood there shocked, she had never been stood up before. She turned around to watch Harry walk away and turn down a hall. Audrey huffed and walked to her class, a little stomp in her step.

~ ~ ~ ~

School was over and Harry quickly went to his locker, grabbing anything he needed for homework. When he was finished, he closed his locker, but jumped when Audrey was standing there. He wanted to groan, but he only rolled his eyes and sighed, turning around to walk away.

Audrey quickly grabbed his hand and turned him around, standing closer to him. Harry stepped back a little and tried to get her hands off his, but gently.

"Listen uh Audrey was it? I have a girlfriend and we actually are meeting, so if you could just-"

Audrey huffed and let go of his hand, but stood in front of him to block his way, "What do you see in her?" Audrey asked, acting snotty.

Selena walked down the school hall to see Harry at his locker. When she got closer she glared as she saw Audrey near Harry. She watched as Audrey grabbed his hand as he was about to leave, then smirked as she watched Harry try leave her. When she saw Audrey continue to annoy Harry she walked forward.

Harry sighed and wanted to just snap at her, but he felt someone grab his hand. He quickly looked over and smiled as he saw Selena. Selena smirked and grabbed his chin, pulling him down for a kiss.

Audrey squealed and stomped her foot, as the two continued to kiss. Audrey stomped away and that time Selena laughed into the kiss. Harry smirked down at her.

"That was incredibly hot darlin'..." He whispered to her, causing a shiver to go down her spine.

Selena giggled and dragged Harry along, holding hands. Harry smiled and listened closely as Selena told him about her day. Then Harry shared his day with her, making her laugh at times.  They decided to go to Selena's dorm and hang out there. And by hang out, I mean makeout.

A lot.

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Author- Audrey needs to step back, because Selena does not mess around when it come to some girl flirting with Harry.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or leave it all down in the comments!

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