~ Chapter 7 ~

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"You're my Pirate and only mine

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Selena looked at Mal, but looked back at Harry slowly. She saw Harry had a smirk on his face, but this smirk held a different emotion. He nodded his head towards Mal's direction.

"Go on darlin'..." He said, but she could hear his voice drop.

Selena frowned slightly and looked at Mal, who kept waving her over. She looked back at Harry, not knowing what to do. She hated to admit, but she grew attached to this damn pirate named Harry. Selena lightly growled and pulled Harry forward, her mouth near his ear.

"I'll come back for you I promise..." She said quickly and as she pulled her face away from his, she gave his cheek a soft kiss.

Then she stood up and ran away from Harry. Harry sat there for a moment, trying to figure out what just happened. He watched as Selena ran. He stood up quickly and saw Uma running up to them. He followed her, but didn't fight anymore. He watched as Selena was the last to walk across the small bridge and stand next to Mal in the big pipe.

Selena looked at Harry with a face of determination. She was going to come back and bring him to Auradon. She was not going to leave him here. She watched as Mal pushed the bridge, causing it to fall in the water before anyone could run after them.

Selena gave Harry one final looked before she continued to run, running out of the large pipe and pearls the limo. Mal soon followed and soon everyone gathered in the limo. Selena sat by Carlos, Evie, and... Dude? Selena awkwardly watched as Ben and Mal had a small fight, but Ben seemed weird.

Selena looked over at the other beside her, but her eyes widened once the Dude spoke. Carlos scowled the dog, making Dude shut up. Selena shook her head, forgetting that happens, but her mind wondered if to a certain pirate.

She thought about Harry. What they have both been through the past two days. What's happened between them. She looked out the window, seeing the bridge to Auradon open, the limo driving through. She let out a small sigh and looked down at her lap. I will come back for you Harry... She thought.

Half an hour later, they were back in Auradon prep. It was morning and it was also day of the Cotillion dance. Selena was told by Ben to go wash up and relax, and that sounded great to her. She left for her dorm, happy to not have a roommate. She walked in and was also happy she forgets to lock her door, because she did not have he key.

She closed her door and locked it, quickly going to the bathroom, taking an nice long hot shower. Once done she walked out in her towel and didn't even think about getting dressed. She fell on her bed and was out like a light.

A few hours later, repeated knocking was heard at her door, waking her up. She groaned and got out of her bed slowly, readjusting her towel and walking over to her door. She opened the door a creek and only saw Evie, a dress in her hands.

Selena smiled and let Evie in, who quickly shut the door and squealed.

"Alright! Let's do this!" She said excitedly.

As Evie had her back turned, Selena put on her bra and underwear, letting Evie know it was ok to look now. Evie helped Selena in her Cotillion dress and was happy with the results. Evie was a genius.

"You look beautiful! Now time for hair and makeup!" She said, grabbing her and Selena's makeup bag.

After another two hours of sitting while Evie did Selena's hair and makeup, she was finally done. Now there was just three more hours till Cotillion, giving Evie enough time to get ready. Selena thanked Evie and payed her in thanks for the dress. The two hugged and Evie quickly left, leaving Selena alone.

Selena walked over to her full body mirror and looked down at her dress. She smiled widely, but soon Harry came into her thoughts again and she frowned.

He was not only haunting her thoughts, but her dreams as well. He just never left her mind alone and it was starting to get annoying. Selena didn't know how to cope with it, but she knew she had to deal with it.

Well for now...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author- This chapter is a little short too, but I skind of wanted it to be lol.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or leave it all down in the comments!

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