~ Chapter 8 ~

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"You're my Pirate and only mine

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The time was here and dance was starting, but first Selena had to walk down the carpet. She had cameras all around her and so many reporters asked her question. The main camera, capturing the whole thing live, caught her...

Harry was at the chip shop, drinking water, watching the dance on tv with the others. When he saw Selena on tv, he nearly spit out his water. He slammed the glass on the table and ran up to the tv, getting a better look at Selena. She looked heavenly and her legs- He smirked and crossed his arms over her chest. He definitely wanted to see her in that dress in person. He would also kill to have her in his arms right now...

Selena smiled at the cameras, giving them poses. Soon she was off the carpet and was helped onto the boat. The students started gathering on the boat and soon night came. Some students danced, other spots by and watched. Selena caught sight of Queen Belle and King Adam. She walked over to them and greeted them.

"Oh Selena you look amazing!" Queen Belle said, giving Selena a hug.

Selena laughed lightly, "Thank you, this was certainly all Evie's doing..." She said, looking back to see Evie talking with Jay and Carlos.

She excused herself away from the Queen and King, walking over to Evie. Jay first caught sight of her and wolf whistled, earning a slap to the shoulder by Selena. Jay laughed as Selena rolled her eyes, but she looked at Evie with a smile.

"Evie I really can't thank you enough..."

Evie gave her thoughtful look and hugged her tightly, "You don't have to thank me. Just stand out and rock out, cuz' you look hot in this."

Selena laughed, but soon stopped when she heard the sound of horns. Ben was here. Ben stood at the top of the of the stair case, but he had a weird look on his face and Selena noticed it right away. Ben walked down the stairs and gave Mal an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry..." He mumbled.

The lights at the top of the stairs lit up and Selena's eyes widened as she saw the sea witch herself, in a blue dress. Uma's braids were up in a bun and she had a bright smile on her face. She watched as Uma walked down the stairs, Ben walking towards her and holding a hand out to her.

Selena then glared at Ben and Uma, but was getting bad feeling about this. She walked closer to Ben and looked into his eyes, seeing his pupils get larger then smaller. In class she learned that your pupils changing, were side effects of you are spelled. Ben was being controlled by a spell.

Selena walked over to Evie and tapped her shoulder, quickly whispering, "Ben is under a spell. Look into his eyes."

Evie did as Selena told and saw Ben pupil size changing each second. Evie looked at Selena and nodded, stepping closer to Mal to tell her. Mal glared at Uma. Evie said something else to Mal, but Selena didn't listen. She only paid attention to Uma.

Uma started making up shit and that just made Selena more angry. Ben looked like a lost puppy at time, but always agreed with Uma. As Ben explained to Mal, Selena caught Eyes with Uma. Uma gave her a fake smile and walked up to her. Selena continued to glare at her as Uma walked up to her.

"Selena... I just wanted to say I'm sorry..." Uma started, but Selena was not buying it for a second.

Uma grabbed Selena's hand in a tight grip and continued to give her a fake smile, she almost went in for hug, but Selena back away. Selena then smirked.

"Well I'm not sorry for this."

Selena raised her hand and back handed Uma across the face. Selena was done here. Uma stood there shocked, holding her stinging cheek. Selena walked towards the stares, walking up them quickly.

Meanwhile Harry saw the whole thing. Selena back handed Uma so hard, he could almost feel her pain. He flinched, but sort of felt proud for Selena. He watched as Selena started going up the stares.

Selena was at the top of the stares, but Jane stood in front of her and announced something. Then at the tip of the boat was a glass portrait of Mal and Ben...

(Time Skip)

Uma was gone and Ben, as well as Mal, was ok. Everyone was safe, but now wet. Weirdly the dance continued and it made Selena happy, but she wished Harry was here. Here with her and dancing with her, holding her. She didn't know why she was having these random thoughts of the pirate.

But she didn't hate them.

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She Author- I honesty don't do time skips often, I just did this one because I wanted to get this story going and get more of Harry and Selena together. Hope y'all don't mind.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or leave it all down in the comments!

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