~ Chapter 9 ~

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(I just notice that the last gif was of Maddison Beer lollll, this one is of Maggie I swear loll)

(I just notice that the last gif was of Maddison Beer lollll, this one is of Maggie I swear loll)

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"You're my Pirate and only mine."

"I am all yours darlin'."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's been a few days since the dance and during those few days Evie has been making a list of people to bring to Auradon from the Isle of the Lost. She was currently in her dorm room when Selena knocked on the door.

Selena got the ok and walked in, seeing Evie at her desk with a pen and paper in hand. Selena walked over and sat in one of the chairs next to Evie. She suspected Evie was writing down the list of kids.

Then she though about Harry. She had told Ben she wanted to invite one person over and he seemed ok with, but he didn't know that the person was Harry. That's mostly why Selena was here, so Evie can write Harry down on the list. She promised Harry she would get him of the Isle...

Evie glanced at Selena and looked in her eyes. Evie gave her a look of concern and placed a hand on Selena's shoulder.

"What's wrong?"

Selena looked up at Evie and she didn't know what to say or do for that matter. She knew she could tell Evie anything, but what if she-

"I will put Harry on the list." Evie said with a polite smile.

Selena eyes widened slightly, "How did you..."

Evie giggled, "Well I did see you kiss him on the cheek before we left. I'll put him down on the list, but don't get your hopes up, Ben has to look over it."

Selena for the first time squealed and gave Evie a tight hug, "Thank you..." She whispered in Evie's ear.

Evie laughed lightly and let go of the hug, "Of course. Now go on and get ready. I am delivering the list to Ben and the sooner he looks it over the better. They all might be coming over tonight if we're lucky."

Selena nodded and quickly left to her dorm. If Harry was coming over, or hopefully, she wanted to to look good. When she arrived at her dorm she locked the door and took a shower, cleaning herself up since she had volleyball practice in the morning. She got dressed in her best outfit and surprisingly it wasn't leather.

She did her hair and even applied some makeup. She looked in the mirror and smiled. She had just spent the last two hours getting ready. She heard a knock on her door and went over to open it. At the door was Evie and Mal, with smiles on there faces.

"What?" Selena said, giving at weird look.

Evie grabbed her hand and dragged her down the hall. Luckily Selena knew how to walk in heels, or she would be a mess right now. Mal was right behind them and Selena looked at her, hoping for an explanation. Mal only smirked as Selena was tugged outside and that's when Selena saw it, a limo driving up.

Selena grew even more confused though and saw the others waiting in front of the school. Ben smiled widely.

"Good your here! The kids from the Isle of the Lost are here."

Selena scoffed, "But Evie just gave you the list."

Evie gave her an innocent look. Selena sighed and crossed her arms over her chest, asking, "What did you do?"

"I actually gave Ben the list the night of the dance... And since I saw you kiss Harry on the cheek, so I put his name on the list.... Uh surprise?"

Selena eyes widened, "What?? They are in that limo right now? Do I look ok?"

Mal chuckled, "Well I never pegged you for someone to care about what other people think."

Selena gave Mal a playful glare and lightly pushed her shoulder, but heard the sound of the Limo's engine stop. She looked over anxiously at the black limo, but then gasped as she saw a second one coming.

"One couldn't hold all of them, so we had to take two." Ben said chuckling.

Selena nodded, but frowned as the first Limo emptied out. She knew Harry was invited, but what she wanted to know is if Harry agreed to come over. She would get her answer if Harry stepped out of that second limo. The first limo drove off and the second one came up. Selena waited anxiously as some kids got out and then some teenagers.

It was the second to last kid to come out and she hoped that last person was Harry. Selena stepped forward, hoping she would see the pirate himself...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author- I know this chapter escalates weirdly and quickly, but eh that's how I write sometimes.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, shoot me a message! Or leave it all down in the comments!

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