New hunting plans

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"You know there's a better way of retrieving souls," Bipper exclaimed walking through the trees. This part of the forest had the trees overgrown, over the path making it nothing but grass and branches.

"I'd love to hear your better way of killing children." Sarcasm. Perfect.

"Well Antlers, we could always lead them into the forest." Bipper thought his plan was genius. "Any human child would be lost in minutes. Easy prey."

Wirt listened.

"No need to deal with the worried parents. Or people thinking your witches like last time." Bipper smirked.

"So kidnapping children. Leading them into the woods and killing them sounds like kidnap." Wirt didn't like the sound of the children dying alone, lost in the woods. He thought it was better to kill them suddenly compared to killing them while they're scared and lost.

"Com'on Branches, you do nothing better. They end up dead either way." Wirt was walking ahead of Bipper. Bip happened to spot some lights that Wirt didn't notice before. "Besides you're not even the one doing the killing. This will just make it easier for me to have no witnesses. Witnesses will just remember me and label me as bad. As you get free passes." Bipper stopped walking. "I don't even eat the souls."

Wirt ignored him and walked slower.

"Hey, Antlers. Why don't we test my plan out on this next village?" Bipper walked towards the lights between the tree leaves.

"Little brat." Wirt followed.

Bipper was right about one thing. If this plan went wrong in any way Bipper would be put to blame for kipnapping a child. Plus the last time he had a soul was 2 days ago might as well. So, they broke through the branches to nothing but 3 small cottages and 1 barn house. In all honesty this miniature village looked like it could only hold 2 per place. No animals were found only a small well and some (what Wirt assumed to be) carrots and lettuce growing near the barn. Wirt and Bipper hid behind some nearby bushes.

"Jack pot!" Bipper whispered. "Not many people. If we're lucky we can lead them all away from home. You could be stocked for 4 weeks maybe! No more work for me." The demon leaped over the bush and broke into a run towards the barn house.

The barn looked years old, the red paint was chipped and the doors looked like they would fall right off the hinges if you weren't careful enough. One of the windows were cracked and in replace of curtains, blankets were hung up on each window from the inside so all you would see is the cracked glass and then a yellowish and worn blanket.

Bipper gave a hard knock on the first left door. Not the smartest idea to knock on the door roughly considering this place probably rarely got visitors. The door creaked so loud that from where Wirt was still hiding he could hear it. An old man with a balding head and wrinkled face peered through the crack in the door and squinted his white-blue eyes.

"Wisdom is knowing acceptance doesn't always happen." He croaked and shut the door slowly considering the complete stranger on the steps.

"Um,, sir? I have some questions." Bipper knocked roughly on the door again. This time the door opened fully but no one was there. Inside it looked like a long hallway that led to darkness.

"As you wish." Suddenly Bipper was pulled into the barn and the door shut quickly behind him. Wirt jumped up from his hiding place and ran to the barn.

That was not normal. Wirt knocked on the door just as hard as Bipper did and waited. For about 5 seconds. Then just started banging at the door.

"Hello? Excuse me but I need that demon child back now." Just as Wirt was about to start banging harder, the door opened. He nearly fell through the door opening.

Inside the barn was a dark room and a long hallway whichblead to darkness. The only light came from the open door. It was freezing and smelled like rotten meat. In the left corner of the room was a blue moth-eaten chair. There was one window on the far left of the room. The window was cover by thick blankets (probably animal skin but who knows).

"Bipper? Does anyone else hear me?" and SLAM. The door shut, leaving the room in pitch black darkness. Wirt whimpered.

Not very fond of ominous dark hallways. Greg would always hold his hand as they walked through the one at their house. Too bad this isn't home.

He started walking toward the covered window with his hand out. His hand touched something furry and thin. The window. He pulled the furry blanket and it ripped off the window, letting light in.

Wirt turned around but froze. Someone or something stood at the hall opening. It's unkempt hair was covering it's entire head and it was long enough to just go over it's chest. It's head was bent at an odd angle, like it's neck was broken in more than one place.

It wore a white dress, (That's what Wirt assumed the color was. Now it looked like a yellowish-brown.) that went to the creature's knees. It stood about 5'8 tall and was facing straight towards him.

Wirt couldn't move

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Wirt couldn't move. If he did it might move too. No one wanted that. So he stared it probably was staring right back. Maybe they would have stayed there for hours.

If Bipper didn't decide to tackle it from behind. He came running and screaming from the hallway as he jumped on the creatures back. It hissed and spitted.

The hair looked like it was started to float like they were underwater. The thing seemed to grow 2 feet more. Bipper fell off and scrambled over to Wirt.

"RUNRUNRUNRUNRUN-" Bipper screamed as he grabbed Wirt and sprinted to the door.

Wirt looked back just in time to see this horrific creature following them.

Wirt looked back just in time to see this horrific creature following them

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Wirt screamed and as soon as they were outside he slammed the door shut. The creature screeched. It seemed limited to the barn only.

Wirt and Bipper ran all the way to into the trees. They ran for a solid minute before stopping.

"Is it still following." Wirt whispered.

Bipper looked back in the barns general direction. "No... I'm sure it stopped when you closed the door on it."

They sat there catching their breath for a while before Wirt spoke again. "I pick the village next time."

Bipper nodded.

"And also,, why did you jump on it in the first place.." Wirt faced Bipper.

"It was the first thing to come to mind."

"I hate you"

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