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His cries went from weeping to sobbing in a matter of seconds.

Examining the crown, Bipper tapped his foot against the icey floor. At least it's getting warmer.

"P-Please I ne-need my cro-wn." The last words were barely heard due to him sobbing. Finn's eyes were the  equivalent to faucets now. Wirt loosed his grip but refused to let go.

"I say we get punch sense into him. Give him something to cry about." Bipper kicked the crown away from the scene. Finn's panic level reached peak.

"NO, THE CROWN-" Finn yanked his hand away, with all his strength, and pratically threw himself at it.

Wirt stumbled back a little. Bipper's actions matched Finn's. Bip managed to grab the crown and throw it to Wirt.

The crown almosts fell but now it was held high above Wirt's head. Both Finn and Bipper couldn't reach it from where Wirt was holding it.

"YOU GUYS STOP." Silence. "Finn, if that's really your name, why is this crown so important to you?!" Wirt glanced at the big red ruby that was placed neatly in the center. "You know the gems are probably plastic.."

Finn stopped sobbing but looked nowhere near done crying. "I need it to build m-my army! W-w-why don't you understand w-what danger your in!" Bipper looked bored.

"The world is coming to an end. But my wintery soldiers can help,," "I'm surprised you got through that whole sentence without stuttering."

Finn's sobbing again.

Wirt relaxed his hold on the crown. "Bipper, let the kid finish!"

"Why should I? He's speaking nonsense," Wirt could tell that both Finn and Bipper despised each other. "Why are you crying?"

Before the crown fell off, Finn seemed unbothered by the biting cold. Now he was holding hid cape tightly around his frame and his skin was turning less blue and more... normal? Weird.

"The-they tell me to f-freeze the world!" Finn's voice cracked. "C-cover it in ice and snow! Show no mercy! The d-d-de-destruction they caused will come racing back to them and there is nothing we can do!" Even though Finn seemed to be getting weaker by the second, his voice was loud and high pitched.

Finn used his good arm to take off the half of the robotic arm. "I can help! The voices ar-are wrong!" The end of the arm disconnected from the rest, revealing a sharp point. When he reconnected the arm piece with the "sword-like" part facing up, it was clear what he was trying to do.


"I don't ca-" Finn collapsed to the floor.

In a matter of seconds the walls of ice started to melt rapidly. Water started to drip and spill from all the walls. The snow that littered the corners were now slush. Chunks of ice from the ceiling started to collapse on all three of them.

"We gotta get out of here!" Wirt dropped the crown and ran. Soon he drowned in his armor. It was now a puddle behind him.

"How?!" Bip's eyes raced across the melting room. All exits were sealed with the slush that was slowing closing around them.

It clicked.

Finn can stop it.

Wirt ran back to the crown with as much speed as possible with all the ice. The crown was freezing. The metal had ice crystals forming around the gems. Bipper seemed to get the idea because not long after he was shaking Finn awake. Wirt threw the crown to Bip, who shoved it on Finn's bear hood.

The actions were immediate. The slush turned back to snow. The water froze in the exact spot it was in. If it was running down the walls then that's where it froze. The room looked like a giant stepped on it and walked off. Everything was caved in.

Finn's eyes opened. His skin tone turned back to a pale blue. For a second everything was silent. No one moved, no one spoke, everyone held their breath. Until.

"Thank you." And with that Finn, flew up and out of a small hole in the ceiling. Back into the unknown. Leaving Wirt and Bipper shocked and cold.


Both boys walked were walking through the forest again. Still cold but not freezing. "We should go find that kid. He could be useful in fighting the beast." Wirt dusted off snow from his antlers. Bipper shot him a smirk.

"So what, you just gonna get him to fight instead of you? Or did you really mean what you said.. Gonna eat his soul??" Bipper's laugh echoed.

Wirt had no intentions of eating his soul. He seemed too powerful to let his soul get eaten. Instead, he planned on making friends with him so he could help. With a power like that, they might just have a chance against fighting the beast.

"My soul is going to be eaten??"

Bipper jumped back 10 feet. Wirt whipped his head at the voice. Finn was floating there with Wirt's lanturn in both hands. The fire was out cold.

"Speak of the devil!" The demon laughed more, this time with louder echoes. Wirt snatched the lanturn from Finn and stepped back a few feet.

"How did you get this?" Wirt held the lanturn out to Bipper, who set a white hot flame inside.  Finn shrugged and touched his feet down to the forest floor. The leaves around him froze.

"You left it in the cave."

Wirt gave him a threating look and continued to walk in the other direction. Bipper refused to follow suit. Instead he set his hands a flame and shoved them out to Finn. It was a mocking gesture but Finn, in response froze both Bipper's hands in blocks of ice.

"Hey! I was only joking, sweet stuff-"

Finn ignored and went off to follow Wirt. It was like having two puppies follow him until he gave them attention. Annoying.

Wirt stopped mid-walk. "So Finn, are you helping us or what?" Finn looked dumbfounded. "Are you going to help us kill the beast?"

"I love killing beasts!" Finn's excitement resulted in it snowing a little bit but that meant something. Just an hour ago Finn was ready to stab them both with his metal arm. Now he was ready to fight along side them instead against them? Weird but they do need all the help they can get.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2019 ⏰

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