An eternity ago - Bipper Backstory

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In Gravity Falls, Oregon, not much was going so good. Bill was just a step away from spreading the weird beyond Gravity Falls. Bill had captured most of the town including Stanley and Stanford.

The plan had failed. Bill was about to go into 'Stanford's" mind and find out how to venture out of the town. Dipper wasn't going to let that happen without a fight.

"BILL." Dipper yelled as loud as possible. Mabel gave him a worried look but didn't say anything.

"What's wrong, Pinetree?" Bill turned to Dip. Stanford and Stanley started panicking. What could Dipper do against Bill?

"I want to make a deal."

Mabel grabbed Dipper's shirt as he started to stand. She pulled him back down and whispered, "No.. What are you doing?"

Dipper pulled his shirt away and stood. "I'm sorry."

"What could you possibly offer me? You have nothing! Your great uncles are in cages and the rest of the town is imprisoned!" Bill gestured to the banners decorating the walls.

"I'll be your puppet. You could use me to leave Gravity Falls and spread your weirdness. The only thing I ask is that you leave Gravity Falls alone." Mabel started to tear up.

Bill laughed.

"YOU'RE WILLING TO GIVE UP THE WORLD FOR GRAVITY FALLS." Bill couldn't believe what he was hearing. Bill's laugh echoed so loud, Dipper's ears started to ring.

Dipper held his hand up and looked doen to the floor. His shoulders went up as if to hide the fact that at any moment those tears would start flooding down his face. Mabel was crying and looking at him in disbelief.

"Dip you can't be serious," She was hard to understand behind the sobs. Yet, Bill laughed at them. He laughed at two children making a decision for the world, not knowing if it'll work or not. Dipper looked up at Bill but as soon as he did the tears really came down.

"So Do we- do we have a deal?" Dipper sobbed mid sentence.

Bill's hand ignited in blue flame.

"Of course, Pinetree." They shook on it.

Dipper's soul flew out of his body and into the space behind him. He saw his body fall backwards as if he just fainted and had a heart attack. Mabel tried to shake him awake but ultimately failed in doing so.

Dipper just watched the heart breaking scene of his two grunkles atanding in shock. His body looked as cold as ice and overall looked so... empty.

That's when those eyes opened. Mabel jumped back away from Dipper's body. Those eyes that were once a warm brown, were now a cold and sickly yellow. They were some of the brightest things in the room. The cat-like slits looked directly at Dipper's soul.

Even though she would not hear, Dipper whispered, "Goodbye Mabel," That was the last time Bill sat face to face with Dipper because the next second Dipper's soul flew to the open wall of the 'castle'. He didn't look back either. Just flew out and away from the madness.

That wasn't good on Bill's part. Pinetree doesn't know this but Bill can't leave a body without the owner's soul to replace it. It was like a law of reality except he was forced to follow, no matter how much he wanted to rid Dipper's living self from this Earth.

And so he followed Dipper's soul. He jumped from the castle and down to the trees below. Dipper floated through trees and grass which sped him up extremely. Now Bipper is in the woods. He planned on following in Dipper's general direction until he find him but now he's lost. Lost in the woods of Gravity Falls.

Little did he know that the farther he traveled to more lost he would be. Soon he'll be in the Unknown. Meeting a boy with a pointed hat and long tree-like antlers.

Little did he know.

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