Stray dogs

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Usually with any fields or clearings in the unknown the trees would get thinner and thinner (but nowhere near shorter) until they're in a field of way too tall grass. One clearing that Wirt and Bipper passed by before had the grass freshly mowed as if someone had been there just minutes before them. Whenever they realized that, they quickly left because who knows if that person is dangerous or not.

Wirt, like usual, was walking in front and also walking pretty fast. At some point Wirt was running through the trees until he got a few cuts on his pants from little tree branches and realized running wasn't the best idea.

The trees were about 20in going around so they were close. Wirt's breath quickened. No more trees. They've made it.

As soon as Wirt stepped into the field he could feel it. The air was colder and he knew the clouds above the field were not normal. It was dark and he could just feel the danger.

Wirt glanced at Bipper and he could definitely feel it too. His eyes got wider and he seemed to step out of the field a little bit. Wirt couldn't blame him. It was terrifying.

"Is this it?" Wirt glaced at Bipper, who finally had the guts to stand in the grass.

"Yes-" His voice cracked at the "e".

Suddenly there was rustling in th grass. Moving in cirles. Walking slow. Definitely more than two legs. It sounded like an animal hunting it's prey. Maybe it was.

Maybe it was the child. Crawling on all fours. Waiting for the right moment to pounce.

Wirt and Bipper backed out of the grass. They couldn't see a damn thing. All they knew was that, that thing wasn't friendly.

It jumped. That creature jumped out of the grass and snarled. It growled, it bared it's razor sharp teeth, and it's eyes glowed with hatred.

The hellhound-like creature jumped out only 5-6 feet away from the two shaken boys. This hellhound had glowing red eyes, protruding bones, and huge muscles on its front legs.

 This hellhound had glowing red eyes, protruding bones, and huge muscles on its front legs

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Both boys froze. The hellhound started to walk in a circle around them. It keep it's distance though. Wirt thought it was best to stay as still as possible and make no sudden movements. Wirt put his hand out to Bipper. Bip didn't get the memo and started running to the field.

"BIPPER WHAT THE F-" Wirt yelped. The hellhound started running towards him.

Wirt followed Bipper into the field. The grass went up to his nose. It was so tall. It looked too tall to be normal grass. Maybe the dark clouds above had something to do with it.

"BIPPER" Wirt yelled. Bipper wasn't tall enough to go over the grass. He was nowhere to be seen. "BIPPER WHERE ARE YOU"

"ANTL-" Wirt heard Bipper yelp and something fall. The snarls from the dog were heard all around him. More of them. More and more dogs.

This was all a trick. A stupid, well-thought trick coming from the beast. Greg wasn't here. If he was, he'd be dead and Wirt would see his soul. No soul here. No dead Greg. Just about 10 hellhounds, and one (probably dying) Bipper.

Wirt was surrounded.

And there they were. Blue flames. The grass was on fire. It burned. One weird thing. It only burned the field. All the trees were fine.

The hellhounds howled and whined. Wirt ran out the field as quick as possible. Outside the field a hellhound laid.

The skin was peeling off and the eyes were burned to the point that the melted skin lay over them. The bones showed. It was a gruesome sight.

Wirt had more pressing matters.

"BIPPER." Wirt tried to look over the field.

"Hey Antlers." Bipper walked out the field. Thank god. He wasn't burned. Definitely limping.

"What was that? Why did you run!?" Wirt walked closer to him. "That was stupid! YOU SET THE FIELD ON FIRE"

"Calm down. It's not real. It doesn't effect me or people."

Blue flames are probably the most confusing thing Wirt has ever seen. I mean it doesn't hurt people? But it melted those hellhounds in almost 30 seconds. Also the grass was on fire but not the trees? The sky is clearing up. But those clouds were being replaced with smoke.

"You look confused,, the fire only effects things that I want it too. I should be allowed to control my own powers." Bipper looked back to the flames. They distinguished.

It seemed like a success but this was an ultimate fail. Greg wasn't here. The beast is playing games on them. He's trying to make them go crazy. Maybe that's just what he does to all children in the Unknown.

Wirt didn't like this. He felt his eyes water. He hated this. He hated this. He was giving up. It's been months. Maybe a year of running around trying to find Greg and Dipper's soul. It's finding two needles in a 800,000 square mile haystack.

At this point, Wirt was trying to keep the tears from falling. His face was turning red and his shoulders were starting to shake. He hasn't cried like this since Greg was taken.

He was crying. He was sobbing. He's sitting on his knees with his face covered by his hands.

He couldn't stop shaking.

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