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Today is the day, I told myself. Today you will get the call telling you whether or not you got the role.

I sat impatiently on my living room sofa, a cup of green tea in one hand and my phone in the other. I kept staring at that dark screen, waiting for a call. Waiting for the call. I knew they would call me either way, but I still feared that it would never come. I had been sitting in this same position, staring blankly at my phone since noon. Now as it neared closer to half past 1, I was worried sick. Surely they had a lot of people to call, but over an hours worth of 5 minute conversations? Now that seemed ridiculous. Maybe I just need to relax, I thought. Maybe I just need to put down my phone, drink some more tea, and-

Before I could finish my thought my phone began ringing wildly. I let out a shaky breath as I slid my finger across the screen and pressed the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I answered, setting my tea mug down on the coffee table. "Ms. Leighton?" A low voice asked. I recognized it right away as the stage manager, Brian. He had facilitated a few of the interviews early on in the audition process. "Yes, this is her."

"Hi there, my name is Brian, the stage manager of New Beginnings. I am calling in regard to the final audition?"
"Yes." I took a deep breath, almost on the verge of weeping due to my nerves.
"Well, you have been with us from the very start, and we really appreciate all the effort you put into your auditions."
"Oh. Thank you." I could feel my hands begin to shake, entirely overcome with doubt. They appreciate my effort? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I could almost see the clouds of disappointment drawing nearer and nearer to the crown of my head.
"And that is why the directorial team would like to offer you the role of Emily." My heart stopped. The lead. I couldn't believe it.

"We have already contacted your agent, and if you accept this role we will send a script and rehearsal schedule to the address listed on your contact sheet as soon as possible. Could you confirm that address for me, hun?"

I didn't respond to him, I just sat silently staring at nothing, tears beginning to pool in my eyes.
"Ms. Leighton? Are you still there?"
"Thank you. Thank you for this role, I accept." I said with a small chuckle, pushing back my tears. "Thank you so much."
"You are very welcome. Now, that address please?" I laughed and wiped my eyes, reciting my street and building number.

"Alrighty then. The script is on the way. I look forward to working with you, Ms. Leighton."
"Please, call me Audra." I beamed. Brian let out a friendly sigh on the other end of the line before continuing.
"Your first show on Broadway is always incredibly exciting. Especially for a young lady like you." Brian said, his voice laced with jubilation. "Take care. Call me if you have any questions.

With that he hung up, leaving me alone with my thoughts once again. I began to smile wildly as I grabbed my tea mug and took a sip. I had made it. Not even 22 years old and I had made it. I glanced around my living room, at the pale colored sofa and matching chairs, and at the grey shag rug in the center. Even at the mango wood coffee table and each little nick-nack that sat upon it. Soon this would no longer be my home. It would be impossible for me to perform in New York almost every day and return to Minnesota at night. Not realistic and definitely not cheap. I would have to move out, probably within the next few weeks. But I was fine with that. You have to make sacrifices for what you love, and that is exactly what I was planning to do.

New Beginnings:  A Broadway FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now