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"What the hell?" I whispered, pushing Christian off of me and sitting up onto my knees. Another knock resonated around the room and I began to panic. "Calm down, Audra." Christian whispered back. "I'll just tell whoever is there that I was helping you study." I nodded desperately, practically dragging him to the counter and dropping my American history book into his arms. Another knock came yet again as I anxiously tried to smooth out my hair. "Coming!" I yelled, giving Christian a worried look. It'll be fine, he mouthed. I rushed towards the door and pulled it open to reveal an impatient Ben, a lemon poppyseed muffin in each hand. "Did you forget?" He sighed, gesturing to the sweets in his grasp. "It's Muffin Friday!"

Muffin Friday was a tradition that Ben and I had started way back during rehearsals of New Beginnings. Basically, every Friday night we would buy muffins from the bakery down the street and indulge ourselves while discussing the gossip of the past few days. Nothing much, I know, but just enough to look forward to each week. "Of course I didn't forget, Ben." I said and the worried look that previously contorted his face turned into a joyful smile. He began to push past me into my dressing room, but I moved my arm against the doorframe to block him. "But hey, can we have it in your room today? Mine is a little... messy." I watched Ben's face change from a cheeky grin to a confused expression. "Um, sure I guess." He quickly glanced inside and became slightly paler when his gaze landed on Christian. The same happened to Christian when they locked eyes. "I-I was just helping her study." He stuttered, acknowledging the book in his arms. Ben did not respond, but meekly turned back to me. "Very messy indeed." He whispered before hurrying off towards his dressing room.

"Well I'm screwed." I huffed as I stepped inside my dressing room and closed the door with a small thud. "No you aren't. Ben was just surprised to see me, thats all." Christian said while setting down the book and rising from his seat at the counter. "Now, can we finish what we started?" He asked slyly, stepping towards me and grabbing ahold of my wrists. Christian began to leave small kisses along my neck, each one with more force than the one before. "No, I am not missing Muffin Friday. And hey, no hickeys." I chuckled as I pulled away.
"Too late." He smirked, letting go of my wrists and pecking my cheek. "Now hurry along, you don't want to be late 'Muffin Friday.'" He said in a mocking tone. "That would only make Ben more suspicious."
"Hey, don't poke fun at Muffin Friday. It is a legit thing and you are just jealous." I teased, reaching behind me for the doorknob. "Now you better get out of this room before I get back. That would make people suspicious."

Christian snickered and placed his hands in his pockets. "Alright, I'll grab my coat." I watched him move towards the couch and I blushed once I saw his coat pooled on the floor. He picked up the garment with one quick and graceful motion before sliding his arms inside and tugging at the collar. As I observed him from the doorway I felt a grin tugging at the corners of my lips. "Hey Christian?" I murmured as he turned towards me.
"Yes, Audra?"
"For the record I am never asking you to fill a vase for me again."

I took a deep breath as I stood outside of Ben's dressing room door. Finally I decide to knock. The door opened shortly after and I was greeted by Ben's worry-stricken face. "Come in." He hushed, opening the door wide enough for my to step through. Once it was closed he turned towards me, biting his lip anxiously. "What was Christian doing in your dressing room?" He asked, padding over towards where our lemon poppyseed muffins sat on his counter. "He told you," I muttered. "He was helping me study."
"Really?" Ben asked in a low whisper. He sounded almost defensive, as if I had been the one to accuse him of something. "Because his hair was wild and messy. And now that I think of it, so is yours." He said, watching my reflection in the mirror. "I didn't realize you need detangling spray after study sessions."
"What are you implying?" I quipped, slumping down onto his lounge couch and pulling my knees to my chest.
"I'm implying that you and Christian had just had an intimacy of sorts. You got carried away, yeah? You let him seduce you? And that is why you asked me about him earlier?" He sniffed sadly, grabbing the muffins and pacing back towards me. He dropped down on the other side of the lounge couch and cautiously handed me the treat. I rolled my eyes and began to unwrap the plastic, not daring to respond right away.
"That's ridiculous." I stated slowly, crumpling up the packaging and tossing it into the bin beside me. "You know me well enough to know I would never let something like that happen." Ben pondered this for a moment, but then his facial features softened and he began to unwrap the plastic on his muffin. "You're right. I'm sorry, Audra. I just get nervous. You know that he isn't good for you. You deserve someone who will care for you. Cheers?" He held up his muffin to mine and we 'clinked' them like glasses of champagne. I smiled uncomfortably before taking a big bite.

I just lied to Ben's face. And it wasn't even a white lie. There was no truth to the statement whatsoever. I mentally cursed myself, knowing that Ben would have been the most understanding person of the situation, at the least. "Are you alright?" He asked, pulling me from my daze. "Oh, um yeah. I'm just a little tired." I hummed, crossing my legs. "Ok.." He said hesitantly. "Are you ready for a drama session, then? I need to tell you about what happened at stage door..."
"Of course." I sighed, taking another big bite out of the muffin. I better keep my mouth full so I don't end up spewing anymore lies. I am deep enough in this web as it is.

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