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The dress rehearsal went well, everything going according to plan. There were a few minor mix ups as expected, but nothing that affected the overall outcome of the performance. We were all confident, and I had never been so proud of my fellow cast members. After we had taken our bows the creative staff requested that we stand by for a few notes, but we then were sent off to our dressing rooms to get out of costume and relax. It was about 2:00 pm when I was completely out of costume and since I wouldn't have to be back to the Walter Ashford until 6:00 pm, Andrew and I had previously made plans to go out to lunch. We met at the stage door as soon as we were both ready to go. "All set?" He asked, pushing open the door for me. "Yep. Where are we going exactly?" Andrew shrugged, stepping outside behind me. "I was thinking about that diner up on 8th and 49th? We haven't been there yet and it is easily within walking distance in this weather." I nodded my head and pulled my sweater tightly across my chest. "Sounds good."

It had begun to snow outside while we were rehearsing, resulting in the temperature dropping drastically. The huge snowflakes pelted our cheeks and noses as we made our way up the street. Thankfully it only took us a few minutes to get to the diner, but Andrew and I were already frozen by the time we were wiping our feet off in the entryway. We ordered as soon as we got seated, me ordering a salad and Andrew ordering a sandwich of some kind. While we ate we expressed all of our emotions around the show: feelings of pride, confidence, fear, and excitement. Andrew mentioned how he thought that New Beginnings would be the best show in the history of shows, and I earnestly agreed. We ended the afternoon on a positive note and headed back to the Walter Ashford.

Andrew and I got back a little before six, giving us the perfect amount of time to get settled in before call. Brian greeted us at the door like always, but this time with a huge grin. I had never seen him this excited and it was a bit alarming. "Hey, Audra! Hey, Andrew!" He chirped, pushing open the door and letting us in. "Dressing rooms are open, meet on stage for mic check at 6:30!" Based on the look that Andrew gave me, he was surprised to see Brian in such a good mood too. "The pole seems to have disappeared from his ass..." Andrew whispered as we began walking down the hall, resulting in an annoyed glare from me. Once we got to my dressing room door I waved a goodbye to him and stepped inside. As I flung my coat to the floor, I pulled out my phone from my back pocket to see if there were any notifications. Surprisingly there was, a missed call from a name that I hadn't seen in a long time: Alexandra. Alexandra was one of my best friends back in Minnesota, one that I sadly had to leave behind when I made the big move out to New York. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, but Alexandra convinced me that I had to follow my dreams and that she would come to visit monthly. Those visits haven't happened yet and I am beginning to miss her more than ever.

After fully registering that she had just called, I excitedly typed Alexandra's number into the keypad. I pressed my phone to my ear, but I didn't have to wait long because she picked up on the first ring. "Audra?" She squeaked quietly on the other end. "Yes, Alexandra!" I cried, pulling myself down onto the couch. "How are you? I miss you!"

"Oh God, I missed your voice." She mumbled, ignoring my questions. "Audra, I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" I glanced at myself in the mirror and furrow my eyebrows.

"You remember how I got that new job? The one at the publishing company that pays super well?" She started, causing me to become even more confused.

"Yeah? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, I saved up enough money and long story short you should look for me waving and cheering in the audience tonight!" She giggled cheekily.

"Alexandra, you did not!" I yelled, covering my hand with my mouth. "You are here? In New York? Dear God, Alexandra! Am I going to get to see you after the show and are we-" She cut off my frantic babbling with loud laugher.

"Of course! Now, I know that you are probably supposed to be getting ready right now... what time is it? Never mind, you need to be preparing to give me the best show of your life."

I let out another soft sigh, knowing she was right. "Alright. Once the show is over let's meet by door seven at the back of the theatre. I will let you in. I love you." I whispered the last part due to how emotional I was becoming. Oh how I missed her.

"Sounds like a plan, see you soon!" Alexandra then hung up the phone, leaving me alone in my dressing room with a huge radiant smile across my lips.

After I was completely dressed and had my mic on I crossed the hall to the stage. Andrew was already there, a big smile on his face and a water bottle in his hand. He outstretched his arm to me which I gladly took. "Audra, I am so excited I can barely contain myself..." He muttered, slightly bouncing on his heels. "I geled my hair like eight times to make sure it looked perfect. EIGHT TIMES. That is a lot, even for me." I snickered at his nervous remark, nudging his shoulder with my own. "Your hair looks perfect..." I chirped, but gestured towards my own. "Almost as good as mine!" I smiled smugly and Andrew rolled his eyes. "Don't try to challenge me sister, I have been rocking this look since '78! Don't even come at me-" He stopped in the middle of his sentence, his eyes trained on the door and his mouth dropping open. "Holy hell..." He whispered, turned me around so I could see what he was looking at. Holy hell was right. Christian had just emerged from the hallway while still in the process of getting his shirt on, causing his toned stomach to be exposed. I couldn't stop myself from staring, and I hoped that my mouth wasn't hanging open as wide as Andrew's.

When Christian's eyes landed on Andrew and I he flashed a bright smile, rolling the rest of his shirt down and making his way towards us. "Why does he have to be straight?" Andrew whined. "And how dare he roll his shirt down? I was enjoying the view!" I scoffed at him and put my head in my hands, still amused at his schoolgirl-like behavior.

"Are you excited?" Christian called towards Andrew and I as he approached. "I was..." Andrew hissed under his breath, pulling his arms tightly across his chest and looking Christian up and down. I had to cover my mouth to stop from snickering.

"Pardon?" Christian asked, giving me a smirk. He obviously had heard what Andrew had said, but was just teasing. Andrew let out a low grumble and dropped his arms to his sides, slouching over in frustration. Just as he was about to hiss another remark Brian's loud voice bellowed from the hallway. "Who is ready?" He cheered. We all looked around excitedly before stepping towards the apron of the stage, holding our breaths in anticipation.

New Beginnings:  A Broadway FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now