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Andrew arrived on stage a few minutes later, his chestnut hair pushed back and his stage makeup completed. As he approached Ben and I, a stiff giggle left my lips. "Look at you, all primped and proper." I snickered and Andrew put his hands on his hips. "And look at you, sweatpants and a tank top... Total Vogue material." I rolled my eyes at his remark, but smiled warmly. "Andrew, right on time!" Brian barked from the tech box. "Come to the front of the stage and start running lines. These sounds levels won't adjust themselves!" Andrew let out a stubborn and pitiful sigh, but sauntered towards the front of the stage, leaving Ben and I alone once again.
"What a... ball of energy." Ben muttered almost mournfully as we watched him walk away. I pursed my lips and turned towards him, my arms crossed.
"I still don't understand why you can't seem to get along with him." I scoffed.
"I don't know." Ben shrugged. "He is just intimidating." I left it at that, knowing Ben wasn't exactly in the mood to argue.

"Alright, mic check and warmups are now officially over!" Brian yelled, his sour expression having seemingly melted away over the past hour. "Please head back to your dressing rooms and be ready to start whenever. Depending on how things go, lunch might be before we even start the run through. Dismissed." The cast and I all nodded in agreement before shuffling of towards the hallway in a clump, almost shoulder to shoulder. "Hey Audra," Ben said quietly, placing a hand on my forearm as I neared my door. "Do you want to come hang out with me in my dressing room? I have some good gossip to discuss and-" I giggled lightly and placed my hand on his. "Ben, I would love to. But I have to study, remember?" Ben rolled his eyes, but nodded.
"Fine. I'll see you later then?"
He nodded once more along with a little grin before he turned on his heels and continued down the hallway. As the rest of my cast mates passed by I gave them cozy smiles while still messing with the doorknob. After a few more twists and turns the door fell open. Once inside of my dressing room I grabbed my bag from where it lay on the floor and made my way towards the plastic stool by the mirrors. "Well, here goes nothing." I muttered, throwing my American History textbook onto the counter. I began flipping through the pages until I reached the designated chapter. With a small sigh I leaned my head on my hand and started to read.

It took me a while to get through my studies because of how fast my mind was racing, but after about an hour of just my textbook and me, I managed to get halfway through. Almost the second I stood up to take a break and fill my water bottle there was a knock at the door. "Come on in." I muttered, rubbing my eyes with my palms. If people started on knocking on that door I would never get anything done. "Hey Audra," Christian's low voice sounded as he pushed the door open and scooted inside. "Would you mind reading a few scenes with me?" He asked, gesturing towards the script in his hand. Christian Borle, just like Ben and Andrew, was one of my first friends on the New York theatre scene. Growing up in Minnesota, I was never able to go to New York to see Broadway shows so I had become familiar with him on Live From Lincoln Center programs and Broadway Live productions on television. Because of this, being cast in my first Broadway show with him was the dream of a lifetime and I still find myself getting occasionally flustered and starstruck when he talks to me.

"I'm not sure if-"  I began, but before I had time to finish my sentence Christian had found his way onto my couch with his script already open. "Great. Top of page 79 please?" He smirked, awaiting my response. I rolled my eyes, but grabbed my script from my bag. "Top of page 79." I murmured, waiting for him to start.

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