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I awoke abruptly to the sound of my phone buzzing wildly on my night stand. I sat up and mumbled incoherently to myself before grabbing my phone to check the notifications. 3 missed calls from Andrew. Great.

Last night after Andrew had walked me home (he lives in an apartment building just down the block), I had felt too exhausted to do anything. I didn't even change out of yesterday's clothes before falling into bed. So now here I was, tired and sweaty with a tangled messy bun piled on top of my head and a day's old makeup still caked on my face. I grumbled again and rubbed my eyes, dialing Andrew's number in the process. He picked up on the first ring. "Finally. I've been calling you all morning. Are you up for coffee?"
"I just woke up, Andrew." I moaned, falling back into bed. I landed with a thud and groaned softly.
"Well, I already picked up two mochas, and I am like two blocks from your place so you have to promise to stay awake until I get to the door."

I didn't respond right away, carefully contemplating my options. "There is a key under the doormat." I finally muttered before hanging up on him and rolling over onto my stomach. I buried my head into the comforter and tried to sneak in a few more minutes of sleep before Andrew arrived. My plan to take a nap, however, failed miserably because Andrew was not kidding when he said he was two blocks away. "Good morning!" He called from downstairs as I heard the front door click open. "Where the hell are you?"
I didn't respond, I just kept laying face down on my bed. I'm too tired to move, I thought. He will find me eventually. And that he did.

I heard him stomp up the stairs and soon enough I could sense him standing over me, mostly because of the overpowering smell of his cologne. "Time to get up, Audra." Andrew chirped, rolling me over onto my back and grabbing my arms. I groaned and blinked my heavy eyelids at him, mustering all the strength I could to struggle in his grasp. "A few more minutes, please?" I muttered, pulling to get my arms free. Unfortunately my begging and my sharp movements did nothing but irritate him. "Alright. Up we go." He huffed, pulling me out of bed and into his embrace. With me casually draped over his shoulder, Andrew carefully maneuvered his way out of my room and down the loft stairs where a mocha was waiting for me. Andrew dropped me down on the living room couch as lightly as possible and handed me the drink with delicate hands.
"There you go, sleepy girl." He said with a grin, taking his mocha from the cardboard holder that was resting on the granite counter top. He fell down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, taking a swig of his coffee in the process. I did the same, breathing in a sigh of relief as the hot liquid hit my lips. "I love you, you know that?" I mumbled between small sips. "Without a friend like you I wouldn't be able to get out of bed everyday. Literally."

Andrew chuckled and rubbed my shoulder with his free hand. "I love you too. But you should take my trusted advice right now and go take a shower. You look terrible." I rolled my eyes and stood up on wobbly legs. "I take my 'I love you' back." I muttered under my breath, but Andrew still seemed to hear. "Good one, now go wash up. You'll thank me later."

I placed my almost empty coffee cup on the counter and scoffed. "Fine. Be down soon." I then marched up the stairs with new, artificial energy entering my veins.


I finished showering about a half an hour later, fresh faced and clean. "Look at you! Work it, work it, sister!" Andrew shouted as I made my way down the stairs. I giggled in response, posing a few times before reaching the living room. "Are you ready to head out?" He asked, standing up and wiping his hands down the front of his leather coat. The coffee had seemingly soaked through parts of his paper cup so as his hands traveling across his jacket they left streaks of condensation. "Yep, just give me a moment." I rushed to the front of the room and found my bag in the very place I had thrown it last night before heading up to bed. "Now, I am ready."

Andrew nodded in agreement and stood up from where he sat on the couch. With a few swift steps he was in front of me and had turned the doorknob, holding the door open. I smiled and slipped on my shoes before walking out into the hallway. "I'm going to have to put that key back under the door mat, yeah?" He chuckled, stepping out into the hallway with me.

We reached the Walter Ashford at around 12:30 pm, a half an hour before call. Thankfully Brian was there early as well so he let us in. "Good morning, Brian!" Andrew chirped as Brian held the door open for us. "Mornin', you two. What are you doing here so early?"

"Just to see your smiling face as soon as possible, dear man." Andrew simpered, causing Brian to roll his eyes and me to snicker. "Very funny. Dressing rooms are open, and mic check starts at quarter after." Brian then quickly shuffled off towards his 'creative quarters' where he spends most of his time lurking until call each day. I know calling it his 'creative quarters' makes it sound fancy, but in reality it was just an old supply closet-turned-office that always smelled like poorly made coffee and that chemically lemon scented dish soap. Whatever floats your boat, Brian.

After Brian disappeared from view, Andrew and I ascended up the small flight of stairs to the dressing room hall. "I'll just meet you back here when I have changed into my costume and put on my mic." Andrew announced once we reached my door. "Sounds good. See you then." I nodded to Andrew and watched as he strolled down the hallway to his own room. I then twisted the doorknob and pushed my way inside, dropping my bag to the floor in the process. I glanced around the dimly lit space and noticed the vase of lilies and the little crumpled note next to it still sitting on the counter. "Oh." I sighed, remembering back to last night as I made my way towards the mirrors. I picked up the note and examined it before crumpling it even more in my palm. "I better toss this." I muttered. With a swift movement I threw it towards the bin, missing completely. I cursed to myself, but shrugged my shoulders, not bother to pick it up. There is a reason you are an actress not a basketball player, I thought.

I chuckled to myself and quickly pulled off my coat and long sleeve, replacing them with my dress and mic. As I began pinning the mic into my hair I heard a knock. "Come in!" I called as the door fell open. "Ready?" Andrew asked in an anxious tone, a coffee cup in one hand and a scone in the other. "Almost. Just a few more pins." I mumbled. "But hey, I thought you already had your morning coffee."

"I'm still sleepy." He sniffed, gesturing to the cup. "In fact, this one is already empty." I scoffed in disbelief as he made his way over to the bin and threw his cup, making it in. "You should be the basketball player." I muttered. under my breath.


"Oh, nothing." I hummed, pushing back from the counter and standing up. "Ready to head on stage?"

"Yep, just a moment." I watched as Andrew knelt down by the bin, picking up a crumpled piece of paper. My eyes grew wide as soon as I realized what it was. "Now what is this?" He asked, unfolding it in his palm.

"I'll just take that-" I sputtered. I reached towards him, but he pushed me back with his arm. "No wait. Hold on. 'I'm disappointed that our time together was cut short by Muffin Friday.' Audra, is this a love letter from you secret man?" He cackled, obviously amused.
"Andrew, thats enough!" I groaned struggling against his arm. He shook his head vigorously, holding the note farther away from me. "'By the way, you better bring some heavy duty concealer tomorrow.' Winky Face."

"Don't you dare read anymore of-"

"'I don't believe HICKEYS MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR BY THEMSELVES.' AUDRA! THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY A LOVE LETTER!" He began to laugh wildly, which made it possible for me to grab the note out of his hands.

I clutched the note tight against my chest and squeezed my eyes shut, sighing deeply before tearing it into pieces and dumping them all safely into the bin.
"And your time together was cut short by Muffin Friday," He snickered in a mocking tone, letting his eyes travel around the room. "Meaning that you weren't lying when you said it wasn't Ben. Ah, now the mystery continues. Suppose I ask Ben..?"

"We have to be on stage." I huffed coldly. I listened to Andrew chuckle lightly before turning on my heels and exiting into the hallway. I took a few deep breaths as I neared the stage entrance, trying to calm myself down. No one will be able to find out, I tried to assure myself. No one has know.

New Beginnings:  A Broadway FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now