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We finished mic check in no time, much to Brian's approval. Once we had all sang a group number Brian emerged from the tech box, his clipboard in hand and the assistant stage manager, Annette trailing behind him. He had a broad smile on his face, something that I have had the joys of already seeing today. "This is it, people." He sighed, marching up the side stairs and onto the stage. He walked towards us, first stopping at Ben who was nearest to him. Brian grabbed Ben's hand and whispered something incoherent before pulling him into a hug. Ben smiled widely and Brian went onto the next cast member, going down the line in which we stood. When he got to me he chuckled softly, pulling me into the tightest squeeze I have ever had. "You, young lady," He started. "Are phenomenal. I am so glad that we found you for this role. You really are Emily. Break a leg, Audra. This is your golden debut." As Brian stepped aside and went onto Andrew I wiped the tears that had begun to linger in my eyes. Ben glanced down at me and smiled warmly; he had been crying too.

Once Brian had spoken to everyone he quietly made his way to the front of the stage, standing in front of us. "It is time," He said with a grin, also seeming to have tears of his own. "One minute until places call." He murmured, taking a headset from Annette's hands. "I repeat, one minute until places call."

After that, the rest of the night was kind of a blur. A big, beautiful, extraordinary blur. Opening night audiences were always the best, the cheers and laughs being audible enough that I could barely contain myself while on stage. The bows though, the bows were my favorite part. When we all grabbed hands and dropped our heads my heart soared. And the thought of having Alexandra in the audience made me uncontrollably giddy. Once the curtain had closed though, was when I came back to my mind. "Incredible work!" Annette cried as I ran off stage, pulling me into a tight squeeze. "By the way, Audra... These came for you." Annette pointed to a bouquet of lilies displayed elegantly on a backstage cart. I grinned happily, knowing exactly who's name I would see on the card. I was right; Alexandra's name was written in bold markered letters, along with a little message congratulating me on my performance. Remembering that I promised to meet her at the back door, I reached for Annette's arm and handed her the lilies. "Could you take care of these?" I asked, already turning towards the staircase that led to the back door. "Sorry honey, I have to go work with Brian." She said sympathetically, handing me back the bouquet. I grumbled, but thanked her anyway, looking around for anyone else that could put the flowers in some water. Just as I turned my head Christian emerged from the wings, out of breath and ecstatic. "Hey Christian, could you take these?" I asked, handing him the bundle of lilies from Alexandra.

"Oh, for me?" He smirked, pretending to fan himself with the bouquet I had just given him. I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the hallway.

"You know what I mean. I think my dressing room is unlocked, but if not just ask Brian to open it with his keys."

"Will do," Christian grinned, clutching the flowers with both hands and descending towards the hallway.

"Hey, wait." I called, grabbing his sleeve as he turned towards me. His eyes softened and his eyebrows raised as he waited for me to say something. "I have a pretty glass vase on top if my microwave. Fill it up and put the flowers in for me?"

Now it was Christian's turn to roll his eyes, but he nodded in agreement. "Always so demanding." He teased as I let go of his arm. "Sure thing. Tell your friend I said 'hello.'" I smiled to myself as he sauntered away. As soon as he had disappeared from view I rushed down the back stairs of the Walter Ashford Theater towards the backdoor, eager to find Alexandra. I hadn't seen that lovely lady in ages and with her living incredibly far away, there wouldn't be any time to catch up until later on. I reached the backdoor in no time and pushed it open, a cold rush of air greeted me along with the warm and tender arms of Alexandra as she pulled me into a hug. "Audra!" She cried, putting her gloved hands on my cheeks as she embraced me. "Come in, come in! It's freezing out there!" I cried back, dragging her indoors. We continued to hug as the door slammed shut behind us. "I haven't seen you in ages!" I whispered, pulling back. "And thank you for the flowers, by the way."

Alexandra chuckled and wiped her eyes before pulling off her gloves. "Will you sign my playbill?" She snickered, holding out to me her wrinkled program. "Anything for my biggest fan," I giggled while pulling a pen out of my back pocket and signing quickly. "So, how did you like it?"

"I loved it, Audra. So emotional and powerful. Not to mention how hot each and everyone of your costars are." I giggled again, handing the playbill back to her. "Speaking of costars, Christian told me to say 'hello' to you from him." I wiggled my eyebrows as I watched Alexandra's jaw drop. "Christian?" She stuttered. I nodded in response. "You're kidding." I watched as her surprised-stricken face turned into a beaming and blushing mess.

"No i'm not, maybe I should lock you outside before you overheat." I teased. Alexandra cheeks became even redder with embarrassment as she slapped my arm with her playbill. "Why don't you tell him that I say 'hello' back." She breathed shakily, trying to contain herself. "Alright, alright." I chuckled, pulling her in for another hug. "I love you dearly, but duty calls. Text me later and we can try to work some time out for lunch, yeah?" I asked, grasping her wrists at arms length. "Yes, definitely. It was great seeing you. And don't forget to worship that sexy beast of a man for me..." She smirked, pulling her hands from my grip.

"Oh my god, get out already!" I laughed. And with that and a small wink, Alexandra pushed open the back door and strolled out into the snowy night. I scoffed to myself for a moment as I watched her walk away through the frosty window. What a goof. Once she disappeared from sight I began to climb up the stairwell back towards the dressing rooms, hoping my lilies weren't dead already.

I reached the top of the stairs quickly, nodding to Andrew where he stood at one of the nearby mic carts. "Why in such a hurry?" He asked while peeling mic tape from his neck and tossing it into the bin below. "I need to make sure my lilies aren't dying." I mumbled back as I rushed towards the hall. Andrew raised his eyebrows as I jogged past him. "What? Who is dying?" He quipped.

"No one. Never mind." I said as I turned the corner. I didn't give him time to respond as I raced down the hall to see that my door was cracked open; Christian had already been inside. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that he was most likely smart enough to find the vase. If he hadn't found the sink to fill it up though, well then he would just be a lost cause. I pushed open the door and stepped inside the dark room, closing it behind me. I began to move towards the light switch, but stopped when I bumped into something in front of me. I let out a shriek and jumped backwards, and so did whatever I bumped into. Soon after, a lamp switched on and I found myself face to face with Christian and one of his infamous smirks. I also saw my lilies, in the water filled glass vase, sitting delicately on the counter. "I was about to leave," Christian murmured. "And I shut off the lights just before you came in. Sorry for frightening you." I blushed in embarrassment, looking down at my shoes. "Tha-ts alright." I stuttered as I took in the scent of his cologne. We were so close, our chests were practically touching. I had never been this close to him before and it made me nervous to feel his hot breath on my cheeks. "Are you sure?" He mumbled, placing a finger underneath my chin and slowly raising my face up until our eyes connected. I shuddered against his touch and I felt my palms beginning to get clammy as they hung at my sides. Christian smiled, obviously noticing my disquiet. "How did I do with the flowers?" He finally asked, tilting his head to the side.

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