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This Muffin Friday ran longer than usual, reaching close to 2 hours. Our past sessions haven't topped an hour and a half, but based on what had previously happened tonight I was more than willing to let Ben talk my ear off about petty gossip. Anything to take my mind off the whole Christian situation. Anything to take my mind off of that smirk. After Ben and I had gone through our muffins (and some extra wine Ben had smuggled in from the Directorial Gala, but hush don't tell), it was late and we knew that we should say our farewells for the evening. "Alright, I will see you tomorrow at 1 pm call?" He asked as he walked me to the door. "I believe so. See you then." I reached over and gave him a tight squeeze, smiling brightly in the process. "You have no idea, Ben. These sessions keep me going."

Ben chuckled as he pulled open the door. "So I assume we are still on for a Muffin Friday next week?" He asked and I snickered at his cheeky expression. "Totally. It's my turn to bring the treats." Ben nodded as I stepped out into the hallway, his eyes glittering with amusement. "Do you need me to walk you to your dressing room or-"

"No, I'll be fine. See you!" I gave him one last hug in the doorway before departing down the hallway. "See you!" I heard the door shut gently behind me once I had gotten a few paces away. Our dressing rooms were not that far apart, only a hall's length and a half flight of stairs, so I reached my destination in no time. I pushed open the door and as I began to collect my things from the coat rack, something caught my eye. A little scribbled note which looked to be written on a torn sheet of notebook paper lay slightly crumpled on the counter next to my lilies. I chuckled and dropped my things to the ground, making my way to the counter. I picked up the note and held it up into the yellow light of the desk lamp, recognizing Christian's handwriting immediately. "The way those lilies are arranged in that vase is spectacular. Basically a work of art. Whoever did that should get an award for just existing." I had to cover my mouth to stop from giggling. Such classic Christian humor. Fond and dry. "Anyways, I'm disappointed that our time together was cut short by Muffin Friday, whatever the hell that is. Let talk about this more later? xx By the way, you better bring some heavy duty concealer tomorrow. (; I don't believe hickeys can magically disappear by themselves." I rolled my eyes and let the note drop back to where it originally lay. "What a fox." I muttered, but couldn't help but let a smile play out on my lips.

Just as I was about to turn around to retrieve my things from the ground there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I called, and the door fell open to reveal Andrew. "Are you still here too?" He asked. "I thought we could take the subway home together since it's late."
"Sounds good." I grinned, pulling my jacket and bag into my arms. I then followed Andrew out into the hallway, pulling the door closed behind me with a light thud. "So," He began. "Whats new?"
"Nothing really." I stated as we walked down the long carpeted hall towards the stage door. "I thought the show today was pretty good and everyone was so emoti-" I stopped my drawling abruptly when I noticed Andrew staring at me with an obvious smirk. "What are you looking at, Andrew?"

"I can see like a million hickeys on your neck." He quipped. I gasped and quickly pulled my coat over my shoulders, blushing. "It's fine, Audra. I know your little secret. And it's safe with me." I bit my lip uncomfortably as Andrew pushed open the stage door, letting me walk through first. "Y-you do?" I stuttered. "Um, h-how? I didn't think anyone was-"
"Oh my god, Audra. You've got to be kidding me. The way you two look at each other..." He chuckled to himself as the cold wind hit our cheeks, along with a few lingering snowflakes. The way I look at Christian? I thought. Or the way he looks at me? I don't recall anything of those sorts.
"I mean, it's obvious that you and Ben have something going on."
"Me and Ben?" I scoffed in disbelieve. "There is nothing going on between me and-"
"Then who are the hickeys from? Hmm? I didn't see them at all during the day so it must have been after tonight's show."

"Well..." I quivered, biting my lip once again. I knew that I couldn't tell him they were from Christian. And it would be an even worse mess if I told him they were from Ben. "I just had really good concealer this morning." I huffed, thinking back to Christian's note.
"Oh so there's someone outside the theater? I see. Details please?"
"It is my little secret," I muttered as we neared the end of the street. "That I intend to keep."

"Alright, alright." Andrew laughed as we trudged through the remain snow that separated us from the station. He stomped his shoes off once we reached the covered and dry pavement under the station overhang and still had a sly look plastered to his face."I still can't believe it's not Ben's love marks on your neck. You better not tell him about this new lover. That may stir up some unwanted emotions."
I rolled my eyes and let out a long scoff as Andrew pushed past me and started down the stairs towards the turnstiles. I followed him quickly and pulled out my MetroCard out of my bag in the process.

"What do you mean by unwanted emotions?" I challenged as we swiped our cards. "Nothing serious. I just think that boy has a thing for you thats all." I rolled my eyes once more as we head toward the escalators, still slightly frozen from the cold.
"You wish." I mumbled, pulling my jacket tighter around my waist. I don't think that Andrew heard me because his cunning grin still remained on his face.

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