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He was dangerously close. "Mhm, you did great with the flowers." I mumbled back slowly, not even daring to look at them again. I was too entranced by his eyes and the way they were sparkling with mischief. Christian smiled again and ever so languidly placed a hand on my waist. I took in a deep breath, but didn't dare move. My hands were still at my sides when he removed his finger from my chin and gripped onto my wrist. "So, my friend said 'hello' back to you." I gulped, but he didn't respond. His eyes had already broken contact with mine, as he was now staring at my lips. Without warning Christian's hand tightened around my waist, and he pulled me even closer to his chest. I took in a sharp breath once more and he gave me a leering look.

"Your friend... She adores me, is that right?" He whispered without removing his gaze from my lips. "Y-es. Um, yes she does..." I stuttered again. "Well, if she is your real friend, she won't mind if I did this." And with that, Christian abruptly pushed me backwards against the door and pressed his lips to mine. I brought my free hand to the side of his face and kissed back before ripping my other hand from out of his grasp and letting it land behind his neck. As I did this I could feel him grin up against my lips. "Eager are we?" He moaned as he moved his hands down to my bum. I tugged my arms tighter around his neck and with each kiss my back was pushed farther into the door. I eventually pulled away, gasping for air. "Christian." I muttered, blowing hot breaths through my lips. "This is really wrong."

Christian cocked his head to the side and scrunched his eyebrows, confusion playing out across his face. "Why is that?"
"You know why!" I stammered, turning my head to the side so I wouldn't have to look into those intoxicating eyes. "First of all, we are in a show together! And second you are much older than me. That would stir up some horrible drama with the rest of the cast, not to mention the press!"
"Oh," Christian said incoherently, his hot breath caressing my cheeks just as it had before. "Who said we had to tell anyone?" Once again that leering look returned to his eyes as he moved his lips towards my ear. "Jump." He whispered, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. I bit my lip and turned my head back towards him as his face rose to mine. That goddamn smirk, I thought. None of this would have happened if he didn't have that goddamn, condescending smirk. Finally I took a deep breath and did as I was told, feeling his arms come beneath my thighs to support me. Christian kissed me roughly once more before stepping backwards and dropping down onto the couch below. He then quickly removed his coat and let it fall to the floor, out of our way. With his hands firmly pressed against my bum and my hands tightly holding his face, I began feeling emotions of excitement and dread.

"Audra," He finally panted, pulling away. "I have wanted you like this from the moment I saw you at that workshop. I wanted to hold you like this and well, touch you like this." He nodded, gesturing towards his hand placement. "I am ashamed to admit I feel the same way." I scoffed, pulling myself off his lap and onto the couch next to him. Christian let out a somewhat frustrated sigh, placing a hand on my thigh. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means we are in big trouble if anyone finds out about this. What if someone heard us?"
"Woah, darling. Calm down." Christian purred, grabbing both of my hands. "No one could of heard us!" Slowly he brought my palms to his lips and kissed each one lightly. "I'll just be your little secret. And you can be mine." I let out a small and pitiful huff and pulled my hands from his grasp, placing them back around his neck. "You're right." I sighed. "No one could have heard us."

"Does that mean I can kiss you again?" He simpered, pushing me down onto my back. I didn't have a chance to respond before Christian was towering over me, his wicked grin even brighter than before. With one hand on each side of my head he leaned down and kissed my collarbone, sloppily working up along my jaw and to my lips. I tried not to smile against him as I twirled my hands through his hair, but I was unsuccessful. He noticed my angst and chuckled softly, continuing to kiss the sides of my face. That bastard. I felt his hands begin to tug at the hem of my shirt when was a loud knock at the door.

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