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"Audra, get back here!" Andrew cackled as he quickly followed behind me into the hallway. "I just want to know who your secret lover is!"
I crossed my arms tightly over my chest and sped up, hoping I would lose him somewhere in the masses of curtains that surrounded the stage. Sadly I did not, and Andrew got a hold of my arm before I could make it any farther.
"Why are you so freaked out about this?" He groaned, giving my arm a slight tug. "You're acting so strange." I tried to pull my arm from his grip, but it was no use.
"Andrew, I swear to God." I hissed. Before I could say anything more, Brian's loud voice echoed from the tech box.

"Thank you, Ben. Andrew, you're up next. I am ready when you are." Andrew and I gave each other wary glances before Andrew dropped my arm from his grasp. With a loud scoff, he rolled his eyes and marched to the front of the stage like an angry toddler. As he did so, Ben bowed his head towards Brian and move back from the apron, stepping aside so Andrew could get past. Ben then turned around and sauntered toward me, his eyes lighting up and his smile growing to reveal his pearly white teeth.

"Hey," He whispered, nudging my shoulder with his own.  "I haven't seen you yet this morning. How are you?"
"I'm doing... fine." I muttered, shooting an annoyed glance in Andrew's direction. He was on the edge of the stage belting a solo with an excessive amount of quirky confidence. "Say, if Andrew tries to ask you any questions today, please don't answer them."
I watched as Ben's light eyes became confused and his gaze shifted over to him.
"What? We don't ever really talk. Why would he be asking me questions?" I let out a long sigh of relief and placed both of my hands on Ben's shoulders, shaking him slightly.
"No reason, just please don't answer any of his questions, whatever they may be." Ben nodded dubiously, glancing at Andrew and then back at me.
"What would he be asking-"
Thankfully Brian cut Ben off before he could finish. "Thank you, Andrew. Christian, you're up." I grew stiff as Christian emerged from the hallway, sweeping past Ben and I to the apron. He gave both of us a charming nod as he passed by, and took great care in brushing up against me as he did so. I noticed Ben raise his eyebrows, but I chose to ignore it.

We both watched as Christian elegantly planted himself center stage, waiting for Brian to give him the cue to begin. I stared at his physique with glossy eyes, only to be drawn from my dreaming by a sharp tap on my shoulder. "Good morning, friends." Andrew purred in a low voice. I let out a slight huff and put my hands on my hips as he joined us, causing Ben to squint his eyes at me. It seemed as if he were trying to say 'what's up with you?'

"Hey Andrew, how are you?" Ben asked nervously. "I'm doing very well, thank you. Can I ask you something, good sir?" I gave Ben a warning glance as Andrew said this. "I don't think you can, Andrew." I said matter-of-factly, stepping in front of him and crossing my arms.
"Well Audra," Andrew challenged in the same tone. "I think he can answer whatever he wants." He then crossed his arms in the same way that I had, almost as if to mock me.

"Thank you very much, Christian. Audra, it's your turn."
I winced at the sound of Brian's voice and Andrew smirked broadly. "Better go get your mic check done and over with." He whispered, placing an arm over Ben's shoulders. Ben flinched against Andrew's touch and peered at me apologetically. "Audra, are you ready?" Brian called, tapping his pencil against the glass that surrounded the tech box. I nodded my head and vigilantly made my way to the apron. Once I was a few paces away from where I originally stood I looked back over my shoulder, trying to catch Ben's attention. When I did, he gave me a blank look, sort of confused and sort of hurt. I raised my eyebrows, but Ben only shifted his gaze towards Andrew and mumbled something incoherently. "Audra, eyes up here please." Brian called impatiently. "Start whenever you are ready."

I began nervously running through some lines, glancing over my shoulder every few words. Brian seemed to notice, and he let out a loud cough. "Is there a problem?" He asked ardently.
"No, I'm sorry." I stuttered. I could hear Andrew chuckling behind me, and I pursed my lips. "Good. Now could you please run through your scene seven monologue?" I nodded my head in a timid manner, but still took the time to cast one more glance over my shoulder. Andrew had an annoyed look on his face, and he rolled his eyes when I met his fixed stare.

"Alright everyone. You can head back to your dressing rooms and get ready for the top of show. This is our first matinee, don't screw it up." As soon as those words left Brian's mouth, I quickly whipped around and raced towards Ben. He had already started heading towards the hallway so I had to jog to catch up.
"Ben," I mumbled, trailing along beside him. "Wait." When he didn't respond I gripped onto his forearm, but was taken back when I saw his face. His sour expression implied that he was not happy with me, for whatever reason that may be. "What happened?"
Ben let out a sigh and tried to pull away, but I wouldn't let him. "C'mon. Talk to me."
After a moment of silence he shook his head and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the doorway and into the entrance of the back stairwell.
"I covered for you, if that's what you're wondering." He said with a scoff. "I told him that I had no idea who was in your room before 'Muffin Friday.'" Before I had a chance to respond, Ben continued on with his rant. "God, do you realize what would have happened if Andrew found out? He would actually have killed you. He would have killed Christian too! I thought you knew better than to do something stupid like that. I mean, what were you thinking? Actually, I don't want to know." With that he stormed off, leaving me alone in the stairwell. I stayed there silently, almost too afraid to move until I could no longer hear his angry footfalls.

"Shoot." I sniffled, squeezing my eyes shut and sliding down to the floor. Ben's words had really hurt, and I had never heard him use that enraged of a tone before. Given, I had done something entirely stupid. I brought my fingers to my head and began massaging my temples, hoping that it would make my immense headache go away.

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