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I stepped inside my dressing room, letting the door fall closed behind me with a thud. I glanced around with a slight grimace after noticing that the string lights that encompassed my mirror were still lit with their usual warm glow. I must have forgot to turn them off last night. I then dropped my bag to the floor and began to struggle with the zipper on my jacket. As I did so, I stared into the mirror and watched my tired eyes as they gazed over my twisting figure. The caffeine from this morning's mocha had yet to reach my bloodstream so I feared that my eyes may remain lackluster until further notice. After successfully removing my jacket from my arms I started to take of my blouse, replacing it then with a plain white tank top that basically served as the entire upper undergarment portion of my costume. I left on my sweats and grabbed my mic belt and pack from the counter, carefully securing them around my waist. Thankfully Brian had left a roll of mic tape and a small tupperware of hair pins in my room so I was able to successfully attach the cord to my neck and hair by myself. Feeling accomplished, I glanced into the mirror one more time and flashed a weak smile. As exhausted as I was, today was going to be a good day. Sooner or later my eyes would brighten and the urge to perform would enter my mindset. Today was first preview day, after all. I tried my best to smile again before pulling the plug of the string lights and stepping out into the hall.

As I made my way towards the stage entrance I noticed the faint glow from underneath Andrew's door. Knowing that this meant that he was still changing, I continued on to the stage in the hopes that he would meet me there soon. I pushed through the doorway and stepped onto the marked marley, immediately greeted by the glowing faces of my fellow cast and crew members. Even though most of them could barely see me due to the masses of black curtains that hung between us, I could still see them waving and hear a few cheerful mutters of 'Hey Audra!' or 'Good Morning!' I returned the nods and pleasantries as I pushed through the curtains and into view. "Ready for today, Audra?" Thomas, our director, called with a courteous grin as I tread closer. "Hopefully." I sighed. With a quick shake of my head I began making my way towards the brunette boy sitting silently on the piano stool. Ben's elbows were perched on the fall board and his chin rested delicately in his palms. I almost didn't want to disturb him in fear that it may cause him to loose the childlike sparkle that his eyes were currently holding as he stared off into space.

Ben Platt, just like Andrew, was one of my first close friends within the cast. There was just something about his gentle and reserved demeanor that made me admire him right away. I faintly remember our first meeting, starting with an awkward mess and blooming into a friendship. It was the first day of rehearsal and Ben was sitting in a folding chair by the corner of the studio, his back to the rest of us, quietly and tautly running through his lines. He seemed to be timid, yet also incredibly composed. Soon after seeing Ben in that corner I eagerly went to introduce myself, starting with a slight tap on his shoulder. I ended up startling Ben so bad that the script slipped from his hands and the unbound pages scattered everywhere. I recall dropping to my knees and apologizing profusely until Ben dropped to his knees as well and hushed me by bringing his index finger to my lips. I don't remember exactly what he said, but it was something along the lines of 'Audra, we are going to be great friends. No matter how many times you scare the heck out of me.'

Although I much enjoyed watching that little sparkle in his eyes, I knew that I couldn't just stand there and gawk for as long as I wanted. "Am I interrupting something?" I chuckled, placing a hand on the fall board next to his elbows. Ben's head snapped towards me, his face looking almost as stunned as it had that first day of rehearsal. "Oh, hi Audra." He began to blush and quickly removed his hands from where they were perched underneath his chin. "Um, no. You weren't interrupting anything. Just me... thinking, I guess." He was obviously embarrassed that I had startled him again so I gave him a warm smile along with a slight giggle. "So, how are you?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest and rocking back and forth on his heels.
"I'm a little tired, to tell you the truth. But it's preview day!"
"Oh gosh, I know!" Ben exclaimed as he dropped his arms to his sides, immediately becoming less tense. "I am a little nervous, Audra." He said with an anxious chuckle.
"Me too. But I am sure we have got it down."

Ben nodded, but he still seemed doubtful. I watched as his gaze dropped to the floor, then back up at my eyes. With a weak smile he outstretched his arms, beckoning me into them. I gratefully entered his embrace and gave him a tight squeeze. "It'll be ok, Ben." I muttered. "You have nothing to worry about."

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