17- Revelations

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"Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them." -Nikita Gill

"I think you're on the path to becoming an alcoholic," Jeff joked as he sat across from me at the kitchen table.

"Definitely not," I argued, lifting another spoonful of cereal to my mouth as I playfully glared at him.

The sugary goodness melted in my mouth and left a sweet glaze in its wake.

"Listen, you should be careful walking out in the woods that late. Don't go without me," Jeff chided, pointing his finger at me as he spoke.

"Okay, Mr. Overprotective," I smirked.

He shook his head softly at the name and ran a hand through his disheveled midnight hair. I smiled lightly as I watched him scowl at something nonexistent on the table. The alcohol was still running pretty strong through my veins, but I was beginning to be able to see clearly again.

I dumped my cereal bowl in the sink and made my way over to Jeff, half sitting on his lap and half leaning on him as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Your muscles are so comfy," I whined, shoving my face in his chest.

He laughed, sending a vibration through his whole body that was warm and welcoming.

"Why do you kill, Jeff? You're so perfect, but..." my drunken laziness ignored the rest of the sentence.

Jeff stiffened beneath me but I barely noticed as he wrapped one arm around my back.

"Something happened along time ago when I was a kid, after some things occurred. Something just snapped," he stared, his eyes carefully watching me for reactions.

I just nuzzled my face against his neck for him to continue.

He ran a hand over my hair as his voice began again.

"I lost my mind that year. I tried to cut my eyes out and give myself a permanent smile and when my mom stopped me, I- I killed her."

He swallowed and gazed into the distance as my body stiffened a bit at his claim.

"Then I realized what I did and how bad I was hurting and I was ashamed. I killed my father and then my brother. I was never really the same after that. The person in me I lost that year... I think I'm just now really beginning to get him back."

Jeff's lip quirked as a memory of his childhood surfaced.

"Sometimes when we were real young, Liu and I would rescue baby birds that had fallen from their nests and bring them to our mom," he laughed, liquid gathering in the corners of his eyes.

"That's sweet," I commented, playing with the ends of his hair.

"I don't know what happened," he whispered quietly, pulling me fully onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.

I squeezed him back and kissed the side of his face.

"I don't want to hurt you, Rosalie. Everyone else- I've- I've ruined their lives. My parents, my brother, Jane. I don't want you to fall apart like Jane did," Jeff mumbled, his eyes filled with worry.

I pulled away from him and made sure he locked eyes with me.

"Girls like me don't fall apart because of a person, Jeff. I'm defiant and impossible for a reason. My heart is practically a bomb shelter, okay? Nothing is going to hurt it. I have passion and a crazy strong sense of self.  I have a wild soul, I can handle a little crazy," I finished, poking my finger into his chest for emphasis.

"You're something else, you know that?"

"Obviously," I huffed, leaning back on his lap and crossing my arms.

"Can we go watch Moana?" I asked, peering at him through heavy lashes.

Jeff smiled as he stared me with new expression on his face.

"Sure thing, Doll," he laughed, picking me up as he strode over to the living room and dumped me on the couch.

"I like when you call me that," I stated, pressing myself into the corner of the L-shaped couch.

"I know you do," Jeff smiled as he grabbed the remote and laid down next to my curled up form.

He pulled me to his side with one arm and turned on the tv, immediately going to the Netflix app.

I glanced up at his face. Everything about him was perfect. Minus the little scars of course, but they still fit him. Still gave him character and depth. And as he turned to look at me while the early morning baby blue sky spilled in through the windows, a strange heat erupted in my chest and just made me want to bury myself and bask in the feeling.

Instead, I smiled at him. A real smile that I rarely gave. It wasn't arrogant or cocky or mischievous. It was nice and real and meaningful.

"You might want to stop staring at me, your movie is starting," Jeff declared, pointing to the infamous Disney move opening.

"I don't care," I whispered, still smiling as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I really hope you're not just acting like this because you're drunk," Jeff laughed nervously.

I pressed my lips against his and melted against his body, savoring his warmth and his rough hands that felt like they belonged on my body. Basking in the way his smooth lips moved against mine and the way our tongues seemed to dance together. I reveled in the feeling of our bodies fitting together like long lost puzzle pieces.

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