20- Wounds

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"Stop moving. I swear to god, I will choke you out if that's what it takes to stop you."

"But my seats!" I whined, moving to keep my bleeding leg on my jacket I had strewn across the car seat to avoid damaging the leather.

After Jane chucked her knife at me, her and the clown decided to demonstrate their disappearing act. Which was frustrating for me considering I'm a vengeful little socio when I am wronged. Needless to say, I wanted them dead as soon as the knife pierced my skin.

"You're caring about your car right now?" Jeff asked, bewildered as he sped down the back roads heading back to the lake house.

"You know I'm extra," I smirked, trying to mask the pain I was feeling.

It wasn't too bad. I had always had a high pain threshold having been a clumsy kid that was often on crutches, but this was a new pain. I thought I handled it well though.

"This is almost poetic in a way," I stated, rolling down my window so the cool air could whip around the car and cure my overheated from pain body.

"Driving down a winding road at 90 mph, my leg occasionally bleeding, just wearing a bralette. I'm sure there's a Lana Del Rey song for this. I wish I was drunk right now."

Jeff huffed as I began digging through the center console.

"It's going to hurt like a bitch, are you ready?" Jeff asked as I stood in the bathtub, waiting for him to pour peroxide over my wound.


Cue the searing pain that erupted from my thigh as the white bubbles rose from my wound.

I glared at Jeff as he held out his hand to help me out, a solemn expression on his face. A strange look cast over his features as the mixture washed down the drain and he glanced at my dried blood on his hands.

He picked me up and sat me down on the covered toilet, collapsing to his knees before me. He dropped his head in my lap as his arms encircled my waist. He pulled away just as fast as his previous actions.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, barely audibly as he pressed a square, white medical cloth to my leg.

I frowned as he pulled back and took a roll of gauze from the first aid kit on the ground beside him.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault," I argued, pushing his black hair back from his face.

"It was all my fault."

I bit my lip as he scowled and wrapped the gauze around my thigh and over the cloth. There was no point in lying to him. I just didn't want to make him feel worse.

"Well, you're not wrong. I mean they're only here because of you, but you weren't exactly the one throwing the knife at me, Jeff."

"I might as well have been."

His voice was quiet and lacked his personality. It was void of any emotion and hung in the air like the voice of a robot.

I watched as he clenched his jaw, shaking his head at the blood seeping through the first layer of the gauze. He wrapped it around several more times before cutting it and securing the end to the rest. He dropped the scissors and collapsed fully on the ground, holding his head in his hands briefly before falling against me in a sort of hug as he clung to my waist, mindful of my injury.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed.

"I've tried so hard, Rosalie. I've tried to change! And every time I think I am, they come back. And I hate it. I hate it so much. I don't want this anymore!"

The floodgates seemed to burst as he continued on, rattling me to my very core at his saddened outburst.

"I don't want to deal with maniacs and have to jump all over the country! I want a home. I want a normal life. I just want to be happy."

I held him close to me as his tears dropped onto my bare skin. An uneasy dread set into me at his crying. I didn't like it at all. I wanted it to stop. I wanted him to be better. I wanted to help him be better.

And just like that.

Every wall.

Every shelter.

Every door I put up to keep people out.

They collapsed.

For him.

"Hey, hey listen." I placed my hands on his cheeks and made him sit back so his dewy blue eyes could meet with my determined stormy ones. "You are going to be happy, okay? I swear on my life, you are. I'll do whatever it takes."

Jeff's tears streamed down his face as he watched me speak, his bottom lip quivering ever so slightly.

My mouth moved as if on auto pilot.

"I forgot to tell you...when you said it, but,"

This is the boy.

A little bit dangerous.

A little bit damaged.

A beautiful disaster.

"I love you too, Jeff."

A/N: Please please pleaaaasssseee comment and vote 💕

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