25- Greetings

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"So you're not going to Jack's with me?"

"Yeah, uh. Who exactly is Jack anyway?"

"Well, you'd know if you went."

"Fine, Jeff. I'll go."

I rolled my eyes as I drummed my fingers on the kitchen table. Jeff had woken only minutes after I had returned and my father had left. He immediately wanted to go and chat with his buddy.

Or whatever the hell it was he wanted to do.

I was too busy thinking about my fathers' words as we hiked through the forest going to Jack's crash pad.

He said HP could take care of it.

Did I really want to abort my baby?


Would I regret it?

Not if it was for the greater good.

I ignored the voice in my head telling me it was Jeff's baby too and that he should have a say. But he didn't know. And technically, it wasn't even a baby yet.

A worm, or like, a ball.

Just with a heartbeat.

We approached a shabby looking cabin with a dusty window that was coated in dirt.

"Classy," I mumbled as I stood back and observed Jeff knocking on the door.


I jumped and swirled around, punching the figure behind me square in the face. I held up my fists as I stared at the gasping form beneath me.

I raised an eyebrow at the blue plastic covering the man's face.

"Jeff, your chick has a wicked left hook. Why would you be with one who could fight back?"

I scowled at his words and then shifted my scowl towards Jeff.

"All the more fun, E.J."

"Nice to meet you, Sweets," he held out his hand. For me to shake or help him up, I'm not sure.

"Since your Jeff's girl, I'll suppress the thoughts of wanting to taste that glorious smelling flesh of yours. What's your name again?"

I rolled me eyes and stepped back from him.

"They call me homewrecker," I joked, crossing my arms and sighing. "Rosalie for short. Jeff, why am I here?"

"He has a plan, trust me," Jeff pleaded, running a hand through his newly cropped hair that gave him a sexy manly look that I liked much better than his old vague emo punk rocker look.

"Yeah, the plan. Come in," Jack pushed himself up and strutted into his cabin.

"Honey, I'm home!" He called, snickering when a barely dressed girl darted down the hallway, long chocolate brown locks flowing behind her. Though she seemed scared, her eyes burned with fire. I immediately went on the defense.

"Who is she? Why do you have her here?" I questioned, grasping Jack's forearm, my nails sinking into the inhuman gray skin that was exposed by his pushed up sleeves. He paused, looking down at my hand and tilting his head as if he had never been handled in such a way. I gave him a challenging stare when he raised his other hand to remove mine.

Jeff groaned like he was dealing with arguing children.

"Alright, Wonder Woman, I bought her."

"You bought her? People don't buy people."

"I'm not a people. Er- human. I bought her because I wanted to eat her, then I decided she's pretty, so now we fuck a lot but she's still scared of Jeff-"

He glared at the raven haired man pointedly.


I joined Jack in glaring at Jeff as Jeff's eyes widened.

"It was a misunderstanding and I apologized. But that's not why we're here."

"Right," Jack nodded.

"Alright, Rosalie, you and Kori are going to a party?"

"What's a Kori?"

"The girl Jeff tried to kill. This guy- thing- has relations with the guy that's after Jeff and was after me. His name is Slenderman. The guy we're going to see is his brother Splendor, he goes by Happy. I don't know. Fucking weird, if you ask me. But Kori swears he's against his brother and wants to take him out. She's crossed paths with him before. Both of them."

I stared at Jack blankly as he gazed at his claw like nails while he spoke.

"So he's having a party."

"Duh. Keep up. Jeff, I thought you said she was smart. Yes, Rosalie. Y'all are going to the party. Get some info. You know, rally the resources. Tell Happy we're going hunting."

I shifted my jacket, wondering if the wire I had placed for my father was getting any of this. He had to hear it. My double agent status was crucial to me now.

"The party is like this rave thing in this abandoned warehouse. You and Kori have to look the part. Bright and high as fuck. Then get to Happy and tell him what's up. He'll help us and we need that. I followed Jeff home last night. I heard what you did to Jane and Slender. They'll be pissed and they'll want you dead."

Jack's serious tone unnerved me.

"Alright, I understand."

The floor creaked a few feet away and I glanced in the direction.

The gorgeous brown haired girl offered a small smile with her chapped lips that was framed by her bed head chic hair.

"We'll have to go shopping," she smiled.

I laughed.

"Good god. I'm in need of some retail therapy."

So I'm thinking of  a spinoff with Jack and Kori's story, especially with her connection to Splendor and Slender. What do you guys think??? COMMENT AND VOTE PRETTY BABIES I NEED IT.

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