16- Bars

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I stumbled down the dark hall, not really knowing where the bathroom was, but pretty damn determined to find it. I wasn't exactly sure why I came here or why I left the house at all. But I did know I needed to think. To clear my mind of Jeff for just a little while so I could figure some things out.

My hand wrapped around the cool metal of the door and I pushed myself inside, hurrying to empty my bladder. Once finished, I stumbled back down the hall and into the bar area that was occupied by mostly middle aged men.

A small voice in my head kept telling me to stop, to go home, to find Jeff.

I drank until her voice was a small whimper in my mind.

"I love this song!" I screamed after having had multiple shots of Tequila, a liquor that didn't set well with me at all.

"I was riding shot gun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car!" I screamed the beginning lyrics as another man bought me another shot.

My coat was cast lazily over the back of my stool. A sleeve of my fitted black tank top was falling off my shoulder. My copper hair had strands falling from my low bun, framing my face and it's smeared eye make up.

I sighed and slumped in my chair as I realized I couldn't remember the rest of the lyrics.

"What's got you down, darlin'?" An older man with long graying beard asked me.

He reminded me of Gandalf. I knew then I should tell this man my secrets. Gandalf always had good advice.

"I don't know, sir. There's this guy."

"Always a guy."

"Well, yeah. And he's really fucking annoying, but also really funny and good looking and sometimes he makes me be nice, which isn't nice at all," I hit the bar for emphasis.

"So he makes you change? Maybe for the better?"

"But, he's not a good person! He does horrible things but he acts like he has morals. He wants me to be attached to him, and I want to, but... that's scary."

The old man smiled and nodded his head.

"Do you like this fellow?"

"I really really really really like him."

"But you're scared he'll break your heart."


"You don't fall for the boys usually do you?"

"No. Never."

"Sometimes you have to fall before you realize you can fly, little girl,"

I stared at Gandalf as he smiled at me before downing the amber liquid in his glass and walking out the door.

My phone began to ding loudly over the country music playing. I struggled to answer the call but did manage.

"Where the hell are you?"

"Jeff, I just got the most amazing advice ever. I have to jump or something so I can fly! Like a bird!"

"Where are you, Rosalie!?"

"Wait, but Gandalf solved my problems!"

"I swear to god if you don't-"

"Calm down, grumpy pants. I'm at..."

I looked around for any indication of where I was, trying to ignore my blurry eyesight. Signs hung up on the walls referencing the surrounding area. The bars name was painted on well... the bar.

"Johnny's Tavern?"

"I'll be there soon. You better explain yourself as soon as I get there."

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Daddy,"

Jeff was silent so I decided to hang up and convince another guy to buy me a drink.

"So I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up four wheel drive, carved my name into his leather seats!" I laughed and sang as I swayed in the bar, clutching the blue liquid in my hand.

I groaned when my phone began ringing.

"Get your ass out here now," Jeff growled.

"You sound sexy," I laughed.

"Rosalie," he warned.

"Fine, I'm coming," I sighed.

I left my glass at the bar and grabbed my coat off the stool. I exited the bar and immediately spotted my car and a very ticked off Jeff driving it. I smiled at his presence and slid over the hood of my car and got in.

"Jeff, I learned something amazing!" I began, my face smiling widely.

Jeff stared at me with an expression very close to complete and utter rage. He had on a black t shirt that clung to his muscles and was wearing a pair of grey joggers. His hair was messy and beginning to curl at the ends. His blue eyes were hard and icy.

"How did you get here?" He asked.

I explained to him how after he fell asleep I got nervous because I realized I had feelings for him. I told him how I snuck out of the house to go for a walk, but I was gone so long that I made it into a small farm town. I explained that the bartender didn't even care that I was underage and that the men buying me drinks didn't care either.

"You were nervous about your feelings for me?" He asked, his hand resting on the steering wheel.

"I don't like people, Jeff. I just fuck them. This is different!" I exclaimed, stretching out in the seat, my leather skirt riding up my thighs.

Jeff cringed at my words and started up the car.

"You don't have to worry about me, baby doll. I'm not going anywhere."

I glanced at his side profile as he drove. His sharp jawline had a shadow of a stubble across it from his neglect to shave. His muscular arms were still tense from his anger with me, but something about him seemed more relaxed.

"I really really like you, Jeff."

"I really really like you too, Rosalie."

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