Weak// Chap. 5

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Did I even think? This was sweet and all, but I dont see Reed like this!

But now he is so happy I'm scared to say I have to re-think this. I don't wanna see him sad after all he just got out of a rough break up with some Mexican chick. I didn't see why he liked her anyways? She was a complete bitch to every one-

But, like I was saying! I only see reed as a friend and a friend only... maybe I should wait.. And then see, if I like him, or if he's still deep in thr friends zone.

"You look like your rethinking it, and you're doing that stead thing were you peel the skin off your lip," he looked over at me I quickly took my lip out of my mouth and smiled at him.

"No, that was honestly the best way to ask anyone out! But it was to good for me," I sigh.

He puts his arm around me and him hand on my chin forcing me to look at him. I was awkward I don't even know how he wasn't, him touching me like we are dating isn-

Oh right...

"You are perfect, and honestly I started liking you almost a year ago.." he dragged out.

Now it was completely awkward. Wonderful isn't it? Well I guess I kinda asked for it. I shook my head and checked my phone.

I had a text from colby, saying "where r u?" I replied and cuddled into reed.

It didn't feel, right. It felt weird like i shouldn't be here some one else should... I wonder if colby is thinking about me?


Hmm, wonder were Sam is? I haven't seen him in a while. He's my best friend, did I do some thing? Maybe it was shea..

See y'all probably dont know this but Shea is black mailing me.. she knows something no one knows about me, and she threatens to tell my fans.. And they can't know! They would all disown me..

And the people I'm more worried about finding out of my parents because I know they won't take a son like me.. it'll just make worse than it already is.

I knew i shouldn't have told Shea.. I was just, I was in love with her
At the time. She was just the most beautiful woman and had the best personality I have ever come across. But that all broke when I told her.. I was bisexual..


I was sitting on the couch with shea she smiled at me and I smiled back.

Man she one of the best people I can come across. She was so nice she always helped everyone! She always had a smile on her face!

Soon the movie was over and I started to get nervous because I was gonna tell shea one of my Biggest secrets I own..

I turned the tv off and shifted on the couch were i was looking at her. She smiled and gave me a a confused looked. I cleared my throat and fixed my messy hair with my hand.

"So there is something really important I want to tell you, and I wanted to tell you because you mean alot me.." I looked up with pleading eyes. She smiled and put her hand on my knee rubbing it softly.

"You can tell me anything," she gave me a small smile. I nodded and let out a long breath.

"I think I'm bisexual, You are the only girl I've been attracted to in years!" I grabbed her hands. My stomach started to do flips

"And i love you! And I feel my stomach flip every time i talk to You! You are just an amazing woman!"

I smiled and looked at her, she-

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