Weak// Chap. 17

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"Hey babe, do you think this is a good picture to post?" I turned to Katrina with a smile, fake may I add, snd nod. We have officially been dating for 2 weeks. We haven't talk the fans but we have been hinting it alot.

I don't want to be with her. She's nice and smart and well, pretty, but I'm gay! I don't get attracted to her! When we kiss and laugh and play around it feel wrong.

I want to be with Colby. Not her! I want to be with him so bad. But I can't. And it hurts me to know I can't be with him. And it hurts to know he's probably with some one else every night...

Every night Colby comes in at 12 or 3! In the morning! And I'm always worried so I stay up late. It been 3 weeks since we have posted on our Sam and Colby account. And everyone is getting suspicious.

Soon my phone buzzed in my pocket. I dug it out and opened Instagram. It was a picture, of Kat and I. The one she had just posted. I sigh liking at the comments.

Solby4life- wtf, dip! #weneedsolbyback

Yeah that's been a tag going around.

Miagolbach35- such a hoe

Colbyxpotato- AWW SHIP! #Satrina

Messysam- sHip!!!¡¡!1¡1!1¡1¡1&!3!

I loved some what some of the fans.

"Maybe you should tweet out something to your stans about being loyal?" My back was facing her which she clearly could see the eye roll I gave her.

I click the twitter app and began to type.

Samgolbach- yes I am dating Katrina and I'm very happy with her and tend to stay with her for a long while. I want my stans to respect her and surely be nice if any of you meet her, thank you♡

I tweeted it and turned to Katrina who had a small smile.

Something was always off about her... Not like she was a bad person, like she was hating something important.


I put the cancer stick between my lips as girls were latched on each side of me. You wanna guess what they are? Strippers. You're right! I've been using mine and Colby YouTube money for this shit. I can't beilive he would do something like This to Me?!! I told him to get out of my room and he goes and find another to play hookie with!?

As much as I want to hate Sam I just can't he's my everything and as much as I try to avoid him I can't. He's always in my mind no matter how many drugs I take. No matter how much I drink. He still there smiling and being a complete innocent bitch in my mind. But really is Sam all that innocent? He cheated, he's lied. Last time I checked innocent people don't do that right?

I miss the old days. When we were just friends... When everything was perfect...



Me in my own gaze I was now shocked out of. The girl jumped of me screaming the other was pleading on my lap. My eyes grew wide and I pushed her off. She fell on the floor, she had been shot.

I look up to seen the barrel of the gun between my eyes. And who was standing in front of me made me wanna scream and never stop...


My throat grew dry and I just sat there. Looking deep in his eyes. They were full of hurt. Why though? What did I do.

"You didn't even show up to mom's funeral today?" My blood ran cold and my mouth fell open, and my eyes started to sting.

I remembered exactly why I was here today. My mom. My mom passed away a week ago. I did tell Sam. Nor does anyone know besides the family. And Sam isn't the only thing I'm trying to get off my mind. It was my mom. Why was she so easy to forget though? Why is Sam so hard to forget?!

Gage eyes were blood shot and he was dressed in all black.

"I drove all this way just to kill your ass and now I'm going to do it. That was your damn mother you jack. You never texted her that you were leaving you never told her goodbye and you never even kelp in contact. Not she's gone. What about Sam huh? Every picture he's posted he seems broke in it and it's all because of You!"

Tears ran down his face and he tapped my head with the gun. His finger slowly pressed the trigger. I closed my eyes shut.

"COLBY!" OH that amazing voice I'm gonna mis-


Am I dead? I don't feel pain? I feel normal. But still broken I open my eyes aNd see Gage turned to sam with his hand over his mouth and Sam lying on the floor holding his side were blood was pouring out.

I ran over to him and started to hold him and rock him telling him not to close his eyes.

I felt his wet bloody hands on my face. I open my eyes and his small smile that was 99% placed on his face. I sniffles and hold his hand.

"I love you colby..."


Jshsohsoshd okay. We have 1 more chapter and then I will publish the sequel! I know Every one is going to hate me but idc! YALL don't know were this story is going and the ending y'all Will loveeeeeee

Weak ♡ Solby | ✔Where stories live. Discover now