Weak// Chap. 11

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I had to call Colby, soon his car pulled up in front of me. I didn't look before I say sat in the seat. So I was on some one.

"Wow!" I jump up as I turn and look at who I just sat on, Brennen or Brandon? I can't exactly remember.

He has a full smirk of pleasure on his face from my embarrassment. Oh he has some nerve. 

Say sorry Sam!

"I'm so sorry!" I panicked out, I never really bothered to look at colby.

"Oh, it's nothing" he winked, what the fuck? Ew. Stranger danger. "You can sit there again if you want."

Fuck boy alert. I rolled my eyes and slammed his door crawling in Colby's back seat. I let out a long breath as I layed my head in my arms. My head was pounding. I suddenly remember Reed. Oh fuck. I domt feel like messing with him right now.

"Can we go get a drink?" I asked colby.

"How about we go to a party?" Oh man i always love party's!

At a huge house party with a whole bunch of drunk teens. I've had at least 5 shots 4 beers and 3 slices of pizza. I was wasted I got up and danced with strangers. I played with some hamsters, the owner let me.

A few girls 'hit' on me. Colby and Brandon (Brennen) have been close by the whole time. They won't leave. Oh whaleyyy.

Soon I was passed out drunk, I think Colby and Brennen took me home, I mean who else could have.


"I really like him Brennen, he's always there for me. But I don't think he likes me.. What do I do? How do I get him to like me back?" I question gripping the will looking at the road like my life depends on it, but soon to let my eye look in the back seat through my mirror, he looked so tired, and dead? Oh man I hope he isn't.

"Dismissive," Brennen said bluntly, I turned my head to look at him for a split second be for I was now looking at a white car passing. What does he mean?

"What, what do you mean?" I made a confused facial expression, but it was so dark i know he couldn't see.

"Be dismissive, be a a bad boy, make him need and want you! Make him beg for you." I kinda knew what he meant but at the same time I didn't. I'm not like that, I might look like it, but I'm not.

"I think he would notice the difference," I said bite the inside of me lip afterwards. Nervous to were this is going.

"Of course he will, but it will win him," I could tell Brennen was staring at me from the corner of my eye. I didn't even glance at him. I nod not saying another word.

Soon after a what felt like an forever drive, we were finally at our apartments. Sam still laying in the back seat passed out. I sign realising that i have to carry him all the way to the apartments. But kinda exited, but hoping he doesn't wake up. It would be kind of awkward. Actually alot allot of awkward.

Man he didn't weigh much. His small figure said it all though. Brennen decided to stay the night because it was so late. I collected him pillow, blanket, and clothes. When he was situated I finally went to bed, I was to tired to be happy. I crawl into bet think of what it would be like to hold and snuggle Sam in my arms. But instead I'm snuggling my pillow, now falling into a deep sleep.

I wake up to a person shaking me violently. I shoot my eyes open and see Sam with a wide smile on his face. I grab his forearm and he stopped shaking me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" My voice croaking. I don't have a major headache, I didn't drink much last night.

"We just him 1 million views on our video!" Sam jumped up and down smiling widely. I squinted my eyes at him.

"You really just woke me up to tell me we hit one million views of a YouTube video? My beautiful sleep? You could have waited! Until I woke up." I rolled my eyes letting go of his forearm and rolling back over. "Now when I wake back up. Then you can tell me"

He grunted and soon the door opened then closed. But I couldn't go back to sleep. How was Sam even awake at... I check my phone to see it if 3:20 pm oh my Jesus!

I will soon get up.

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