Weak// Chap. 13

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After finals I was so stressed I could pass out. Well actually that's what was planned. But instead Colby wanted to pack early, so we can move into our apartment faster.

Which did annoy me alot. So i packed half my clothes anf then layed in bed. I slowly close me eyes and fall into a deep sleep.


His lips moved smoothly with mine, letting no air in. Locking one hand together and the other in his hair. Him moving slowly to, My lips, to my jaw, neck, then bare chest. I could feel the sore hickeys already. I bit my bottom lip and let out a small m-

*End of dream*

I snapped awake, looking around my room shocked. Oh my? Did i just? Almost have a wet dream about colby? And don't i have a boyfriend?

I just thought and thought about that dream. But soon my mind drifted to my boyfriend.

Do I even really like him? He is a little to extra. And I dont like him as much as some people. He's just not as attractive as most people. Well, and he's to much like me.

I don't think this should go on for long. Or even any longer. And plus, I like Colby. This won't work. And the fact that it's only been 4-5 days doesn't make it any better.

Okay, I think I'm going to go over there now... Yeah. I had this weird feeling in my stomach pulling inside me. I ignored it and went and told Colby.

I knocked on Colby door before entering. No answer. I roll my eyes and open the door.

Regretting it more than anything. Colby was jerking off to something that was on his laptop, his headphones plugged in his ears. His eyes closed shut. Oh damn...

I but my lip feeling myself getting hard. I quickly realized what I was doing and ran out of the room and slammed the door. I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out my room only to be stopped by Colby standing there panting hard with his hand the door. I didn't care look him in the eyes.

But he grabbed my chin tightly and made me. He looked so muscleline compared to me. I bit my lip. He stared to lean in and as soon as out lips were barely touching he whispered, "Common babyboy.."

I leaned in more and our lips were finally connected. My eyes were wide from shock of what I, he, we did. I soon closed my eyes so I didn't look like a paedophile, rappest person. Our lips moved in sync. We fumbled backwards, Towards my bed. He generally laid me on the bed. He parted my lips from his for a few breaths, but connected them right back soon after.

The kiss became ruff, and heated. He was between my legs grinding. I held onto his ribs like my life depended on it. Slowly bringing my hands up. He was playing with the rim of my shirt, probably deciding if he wants to take it off or not.

But our kiss quickly broke as we heard a door close. Not a slam, but a very obvious close. Our heads turn to the door and see no one. Colby jumps off me, looking at the door wide eyed.

We both slowly walk to the living room. No one.

I remembered why I was about to leave. I felt bad I had to just walk out! But I had to go talk to Reed and what I just did was not okay.

"I gotta.go," i.mumbled pushing past him and to my room once again grabbing my phone and keys.

As soon as I was about to walk out Colby asks 'where' I tell him some where. I race down the lobby and to my white shiny car. I got in taking in a deep steady breath before pulling out.

Half way to reeds house my phone dings. I check it while pulling into a old navy parking lot. I old. The text from Colby and see a video. My heart immediately dropped when I seen the video. There Colby and I, were grinding on each other. In my room. A tear rolled down my eye.

Colby texted me again.

Colby♡: I'm sorry.

I didn't reply back. Well I did only with a simple heart though ♡. I did want to be around anybody rn. I logged onto Instagram and went through my feed. All I saw was the video, on fanpages, musershadingroom, and messymonday. Who even fucking recorded the video?!! Who could have possibly gotten into the house at that time! And who would do something like this?


Did you enjoy?!! I hope you did! I'm sorry I've been putting updating to the side for the past few days! I'm just so busy! I know I'm a classic writer on wattpad! I always say I'm busy! Well, because i am of course! But have a wonderful day/ night Whenever you are reading this!

QOTD: WHO do you think took the video?

; hehe 😈

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