Weak// Chap. 8

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The whole time we were at Applebees I was gagging, not at the food but at her. Oh Man! I just want to expose her so bad! I give her one last death glare.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Reed said aggravated. Oh shit I forgot about Reed. Whoops!

"Oh sorry it's just-" I stopped and thought before I pointed to the corner. Reed looked behind him, and gagged.

"Oh that bitch is just wrong," I nodded i was done with my food and I suddenly got an idea.. An idea to expose her!

I snickered and took my phone out. I pointed it to them and waited for the right moment. They kissed. I snapped the picture... My flash was on. Shit.

Her head snaps to my table and I probably had fear written all over my face. She finally realized who I am and she grabbed the guys hand furiously and ran out. I let out a long heavy breath.

I looked at Reed and he was smiling he put his hand up and we high five and started to laugh. We finally stood up and left. But i started to think, what will colby do when I show him the picture will he get mad? Will he get depressed? Will he what? Anything could happen!

I don't feel bad taking the picture and exposing her. I feel bad for Colby, because I can tell he really likes her... Maybe I shouldn't tell him?

What the fuck Sam?!! Don't tell him?!  Are you stupid! She stole your best friend you idiot! GET HIM BACK!

I will! I have my head set on showing him the picture! He can't stay like this! Her cheating on him? And if he ever found out I kept it a secret he would probably be mad. No one deserves a relationship like that. He can do better, like me.

Wait what?

Never mind that...

Soon we were at my apartment and I gave Reed a weak smile before I started to get out of the car. He grabbed my arm and I snapped my head back to him. He has his lips puckered. I smiled and pecked them. He let go and waved bye.

I was soon at my apartment door. I took a deep breath in before I slowly opened the door peeping inside. I saw no one., the house was clean for once and the tv was off. I walk in and shut the door.

"Colby?" I call out not sure if he was home. Soon his door opens and he comes in looking down at his phone.

He looks up at me and gives me a hum to notify he was listening.

"Sit," we walk over to the couch and sit. But all he did was stare at his phone. I rolled my eyes and my shoulders drop. I groan and grab him phone shutting it off.

"Hey!" Colby practly yelled. I rolled my eyes setting the phone on the coffee table and straighten my back again.

You need to be confident, but sad for him.

I pull my phone out, "now Colby before I show you this, please, please don't blow this out of proportion." I have gave him pleading eyes and he nodded I smiled a little and then it fell from my face when I realised what I have to show him..

Poor Colby.

I sigh and unlock my phone going to photos and pressing my most recent picture on my camera roll. I look at the picture one last time before showing it to Colby.

"This isn't the type of relationship I wanted you to have. You deserve to be happy Colby."

His expression done a 180° he was pissed his face was red. Now I'm kind of scard.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" He screams throwing. I throw my phone in the space between us and go into a small ball. I'm scared of colby when he's mad. He threw fans last time he found out a girl cheated on him.

I put my head in my knees.


Is he really this scared of me? Does he fear me this much? I don't like seeing him like this.

He was just in a small ball with his head in on his knees. I hate how he is scared of me!

I sit back down beside him and pet his head. He looked up and loosened his grip on his knees. I smile at him, he fully unfolds himself. And I pull him close into my chest.

This felt right.

He was just holding me... I was comfortable but awkward. I felt safe though! He made me feel safe and I haven't felt like this in a while...

I shut my eyes and in joy His embrace. My eyes start to get heavy. I slowly shut my eyes, and finally I fell into a deep dark quite slumber.

Weak ♡ Solby | ✔Where stories live. Discover now