Crownless Queen (Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)

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"Yes yes I am here now infront of the school......jeez! You dont have to worry! I am fine!...... okay bye!"

I closed my phone and put it back inside the pocket of my jacket.

I am now here infront of the school staring... it was large and clean... many leaves falling since its almost winter. The cold breeze of air touched my cheeks and gave me shivers... winter is really coming. It is such a waste that I did not come back early,  but now I am here! Back in Japan... Seirin high... this is where Tetsuchi is studying! Finally I can be with my twin until graduation!

I looked at my Wristwatch and its already 3:00pm Oh! I better get going! or else I will be  late! I need to go the office first before I go see my Tetsuchi at the gym.

I ran as fast as I can, Every students I passed by didnt even see noticed my presence because of the genes because me and Tetsuchi are related to our mother. But were opposite though... for some reason. Tetsuchi always has his poker face and not even smiling... only a quick smile.

After some optical ways on finding the teacher's office, I finally made it in time! I am here infront of the office and I need the teacher's approval first before I can confidently say that I am a student of Seirin High! I knocked three times before opening the door, I went inside and went closer to sensei behind her who is drinking a coffee.

"Ano..." I said when suddenly she turned around and she almost drop her cup of coffee when she saw me, as usual.

"Ano... im the new student and I would like to have your approval so that I can officially attend the school please!" I bowed slightly infront of her.

"Ahh wait, wait let me catch my breathe! You scared me to death! I did not even realized you are there!" She said while she hold her chest while panting.

"Okay. You are... Kuroko Tetsumi right. Correct" She questioned while writing something in the paper.

"Yes. I am Kuroko Tetsumi." I answered, she nodded.

"What made you transferred here at the middle of the school year, at this country, may I ask?" Sensei asked another, I put my hand on the back of my head.

"Uhmm... it was my parent's decision to let me study abroad, but it did not turned out the way they expected so... that is why I came back." I reasoned and its true. I was quite a rebellious back then... because of...

"Ahh I see. Sorry for asking if that is personal for you. Here you go Kuroko-san!" Sensei gave me the paper 

"Arigato sensei" I said then walked towards the door. Before I opened the door, sensei called me again and I looked at her.

"Oh yeah, from your application form, if you are planning to join a club, directly go to the club and ask the person incharge to give you the form. Goodluk!" She said.

"Yes!" Then I opened the door and closed it... I looked at the paper in my hand.

"Seirin Basketball huh? This should be Interesting..." I muttered and went directly to the club I am interested in...

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