Chapter 20 Before That

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Kuroko Tetsumi's POV 

 "Yaawwn~! Ohayo Taichi!" I greeted him when we saw him at the entrance of the school. 

Today is the battle between Shutoku and Seirin and I overslept because of what happened last night. I think it over and over until I made up my mind...

"I want to challenge your Empress' Eye, bring it to the court."

Those were the exact words he said, of course, I go pissed and very upset because we haven't seen each other since I got here and this is what he wanted from me, to test my ability. I didn't cry or anything, I just need some time alone.

Looks like Tetsuchi noticed my reaction when I just smiled at him telling him it was nothing. I didn't tell him about last night because surely he will be worried, I want to do this for myself. If he wants to test my patience, so be it.

I won't hold back.

"Yo, did you overslept again?" He asks as we walked towards the entrance gate of our school.

"Coming from you! We even barely make it to the first bell, and look at you! Your eyes!" I said and pointed at his face.

"I-I couldn't sleep!" He defended himself.

As we enter our school, we went to our shoebox to change into indoor shoes, when I opened my shoebox, I saw pink letter inside, "eh?"

"What's up?" Taichi changed his shoes into indoor and came here beside me, he then leaned and looked inside my shoebox too, then he frowned.

"There's a pink letter," I said to myself and looked at the letter, that's odd... why is there a letter inside my shoebox?

"I dunno let's go before the bell rings." I just put the letter inside my bag and quickly change my shoes and we walked again towards our classroom...

"Tetsuchi~ fuyukai desu!!!! You didn't wait for me!!" I whined as I sat on my chair just between Tetsuchi's and Taichi's seats.

"Gomene Testumi-chan, I went to the garden to meet with the person on duty. He explained.

"I see... Ah Tetsuchi you forgot your lunchbox!" I get his packed lunch inside my bag and placed it to Tetsuchi's desk and smiled.

"Arigato, Tetsum--"

"Tetsumi-chan~ are you in here??" we looked at the door and saw coach holding piles of papers.

"Yes?" I came closer to coach and assist her.

"I'm sorry Tetsumi-chan! Can you help me with these? Sensei asked me to bring to the faculty but... You know! Female and all! Teehee!" Said coach childishly.

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