Chapter 16 -Flashback-

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Just a little reminder that the flow of this fanfic has been changed.

Chapter 16 "Flashback" Part 1 of 2

A year and half of Kuroko Tetsumi living in America together with her big sister.This was a decision of their father to let her big sister to handle his business for the meantime. As for Tetsumi, it was forced by their parent to come with her father because of certain issue regarding her current school in Japan and had no choice but to migrate Tetsumi along with her sister.

-Shoei Junior High-

After the senpais graduated and went on their separate path, Makichi and I were left behind along with other kouhais to take care of the basketball club, it was really sad to see Teppi and the others to go and leave us. But we cant stop them... lifes go on and we have to move forward, there are no such things as forever or something.

We were just second year when they graduated, soon we will be the senpai to our freshmen... meaning we have to start acquiring players and managers to replace us once its time for us to say goodbye.

It was the next day since the graduation when we were walking in a hallway quietly, still cant accept the fact that the senpais were gone as if it left us a big hole in our chest. 

I was thinking deeply whether I tell the news to Makichi or later. But it has to be now because I will be going next week...

I had to tell Makichi that I have to go to America because of my parents forced me and at the same time manage father's business as well as go to school together with my sister. It means I have to leave Makichi and Tetsuchi behind.

And him...

"E-eh? Wh-what? Y-your...going to... other country?" Said Makichi in disbelief, "S-so your leaving me... behind?" She was stuttering and soon started sobbing. Guilt took over me and just hugged her tightly, I know that I cant oppose their decision because after all that I have been through and what I have done before... its for the best for all of us.

"No Makichi, I didnt say I will be leaving you. I will be gone for a year. Only one year! Just to finish my junior." I explained while I let her cry on my shoulder while I hug her," I am sorry Makichi... I didnt have a choice because my parents said so. I cant be mad at them because of what happened..." 

We were alone in the hallway while we hugged each other. I just let her until she broke from the hug and smiled at me, I still can see tears on her eyes.

"I... see. But im gonna miss you." She said then started crying again, my eyes becoming blurry as well.

"M-me too! Im g-gonna miss you too! I promise! I-I will send emails!" Then we both started crying.

We started crying like toddlers, even some students looked at us. I dont care! I will miss Makichi and Tetsuchi~!

two days left before my departure, I was in my room absentmindedly packing my stuffs. through the weeks was hard, I cant believe that they even throw me a goodbye party where all my friends are all present. I teared up alittle because of their love and effort for me.

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