Chapter 18 Ara~

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Chapter 18 Ara~

Kuroko Tetsumi's POV

After club activity I invited Tetsuchi and Taichi to an american diner since my craving for american cuisine is kicking in so they had no choice but to come. I didnt forced them or anything baka ( -3-)

"Probably Tetsumi is having her you know... the period thing." Taichi whispers to Tetsuchi WHICH I HEARD THAT?

"OY." The two suddenly froze on their places and slowly looked at me who is fuming and glaring wide asian eyes at them.

"Taichi youre the least person I want to hear about woman who is dense about the woman's feelings!" I scowled at him which he got scared about it. See? Pretty dense it is.

"You lack of delicacy Kagami." Tetsuchi spoke which Taichi scowled at him.

"Didnt I heard that line before?!" Taichi yelled.

"Oh, you have a brain to remember that afterall." I deadpanned which it strikes an arrow to his head.

We continued on teasing each other or more likely at Taichi and soon got to our destination. We were eating happily with me and Taichi gobbling our ordered foods like we hadn't eaten our favorite american food in decades while Tetsuchi ordered barbeque ribs. Yes, he can finish the whole as long as he doesnt drink any carbonated drinks because it will make him easily be full and might upset his stomach.

"Tetsumi please slow down you might choke on your food." Tetsuchi said as he handed me a napkin.

"Ehehe sorry. Its just its been awhile!" I said and gladly took the napkin and wiped my mouth with it.

"Taichi please one at the time! I will not steal your food like before!" I squinted at Taichi who is... you get the picture.

"Smffy (sorry)" Taichi spoke... with his mouth still full with damn food which I smack his head lightly because of his lack of decency! He gave me a glare where I glared at him back, we were arguing until we tire ourselves out and continued on our food.

"I forgot, what did our sister called for?" Testuchi asked.

"Wait, you guys have a sister?" I got irritated by Taichi's dumb question..

"You met her before Taichi!" I glanced at him.

"Really?" Taichi paused from eating to remember something dumb while I just raised an eyebrow at him. He can be cool at playing basketball but when it comes to his memorialization... ugh.

"Isnt that the... braided blue ball?" He said which we gave him a confused look.

"Blue ball?" Me and Tetsuchi said in unison.

"Yeah, our gang named her that because she has those two ball hair on her head or sometimes those braids everytime she goes to the court to watch or to get you." He said which my eyebrow arched higher than the Mt Fuji. I know pretty well on how my friends behave in America, so I kinda wanna have a lil 'meeting' with them. They tend to be... wolves when it comes to girls you know? I know that the culture there is different but I can be pretty protective when it comes to our big sister. She can be a cinnamonroll sometimes. SOMETIMES.

"I mean, we dont have any motives or something alright? Shes just... pretty, I guess." As he said those words while he put his hand on his nape and being flustered and all and even avoiding eye contact with us, my eyebrow flew off of this building and giving him the asian wide eyes.

Did we just saw a blushing Taichi? Him? Complimenting a girl, our sister to be exact?

Wait a minute, so all these time he was talking about my sister? Before he would tell us about his crush and we would constantly ask who is the girl but he keeps on changing the topic or doesnt say the name.

"You have a crush on our big sister?" Tetsuchi asked making me looked at him because he just asked bluntly.

"Wh-what! N-no I am not! I-I just said what we think of h-her!" He stammers. I put my hand on my lips as if I heard the most interesting information I ever heard while Tetsuchi just drink her iced tea.

"Ara~" I teased.

"You have delicacy afterall." Tetsuchi said.

"That again?!"

We finished our food and decided to go home, we soon parted ways with Taichi and Tetsuchi and I were the only left walking. Soon we finally reached our home and I let Nigou come out of the bag and let him eat and drink before I walk him out at the park.

"Come back soon, dont get too far." Tetsuchi said from the living room which I said yes.

I let Nigou navigate me until we reached the park not far away from our apartment.

"Nigou stop sniffing that, its dirty!" I said and picked him up.

I was roaming around when I heard a dribbling sound of a ball. I got curious and went to the court to see whos playing at this kind of night, its quite late at night afterall.

Once I get to the place, I was taken aback when I saw the person playing inside that I accidentally released Nigou's leash that made him ran towards the person playing.

"Ahh Nigou!" I yelled that made the person to turn his head at the dog running towards him.

Nigou started running around the person and was able to caught him and lifted him up.

"You look familiar,  you cute lil goof." The person said.

"Hey, hes not a goof." I said once I was able to get near him.

"Hes a goof because he looks like you." I pouted and grabbed his leash.

"I cant believe that you actually come." 

"Since when did I broke what I promised?" He smirks which I just gave him a bored look. As I looked at him more, he kinda changed. From timid yet menacing demeanor into intimidating with his piercing eyes... 

I could tell that people would mistaken him for his personality, but to me, those piercing eyes of his...

its the same old kid that I liked.

I think something went wrong, I didn't notice that chapter 18 didn't published so I think some of you are confused on why the chapter skipped hehe sorry~

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