Chapter 30 Frustrated Captain

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Kuroko Tetsumi's POV

Damn... do they have to hurt our players to steal the ball? We already have fouls in our team because of their dirty tactics. I am aware of their gameplay from the start but I can't just ruin the momentum and the chances of our future when I interrupt it, there will be consequences if I do that and I can only control two people, Teppi and my brother.

Right now, I am controlling Tetsuchi with his misdirection. So far he is moving the way I wanted him to be, even he has to get into the heat of stealing the ball under the ring especially when Teppi gets for a rebound and Tetsuchi has to be very close to him. Of course, he has to use his misdirection to get him to where I want him to be located.

I looked at Makochi with the person they sub in, his name is Seto Kentarou, their number 5. I know that Makochi is really smart since he used to tutor me in english to help me to adjust myself to a different culture and language once I migrate. Knowing him, he knows how to use his players very well maybe that is why he became the coach along with his sister. With their cooperation of analyzing an enemy's game patterns, this is a challenge for me when I'm alone, yet now that Rikochi entrusted me with our tactics we can outsmart them together.

Outsmarting them which means we have to play nasty as well, the idea made me grimace since this is not how I play, I have witnessed far from the word "nasty," but what is nastier is how these certain people play, and that is no other than that.

These nasty eyes called The Empress and The Emperor's Eyes. 

At first, I thought of getting rid of this skill which means gouging this eye out of my face but a certain big bossom coach in America stopped me doing so and said something that made me realized what this gift I can do besides the faith that I have to follow...

I can use this to help my teammates, to improve, to win.. and to become closer as a team... to be the best we can.

They are ties with our fouls and seeing Makochi looking pissed it looks like the plan is doing very well for us, but I am sorry everyone, Teppi, Taichi, and Tetsuchi, which means we need to be physical as well. 

Substituting Tetsuchi out in the court, from where I am sitting I can see a bruise on his arm when he follows my order. I am pissed by the outcome for scoring, but this is the only way we can win to get out of their trap. The score is a close tie but we only have a few minutes before the time runs out for the third quarter and the only way we can score more is our three-pointer, our senpai- Hyuga Junpei. He's our hope to turn this game on our side.

"Junpei," I turn to look at Rikochi who is very attentive with the game happening on the court, she was worried of him probably thinking the same thing as I did, to score more than the enemy team. I held her shoulder.

"Don't worry Rikochi," I spoke still focusing our attention on the court, " he will overcome this, I know this is personal for the senpais, especially Teppi but the only way that we can do to move forward is to face it head on." I reassure.

Teppi, you came back to the court, and now I want you to help your teammates. It's time.

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