Chapter 1: Manager of Seirin Basketball

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Chapter 1 Manager of Seirin Basketball

Aida Riko's POV

"Okay everyone! Ten minutes break!" I said then whistled.

They dropped on the floor panting, Jeez! its only 15 laps! "Hyuga-kun!" I called him when he stood up from the floor and went closer to me, "Yes coach?" He pants and sat on the bench near me.

"It's only 15 laps! Look at Kagami! he is not even tired yet!" I pointed at Kagami while he dribbles the ball and minding his business.

"Well thats because he has well-build body than us you know! And look at Kuroko!" He jerked and pointed at Kuroko and yikes! His soul! I can see his soul leaving his body! he needs to exercise more.

I sighed and looked at them, "Alright everyone! Gather around!" I yelled and everyone gathered around me, " Tomorrow, there will be no training so I want you all to take it easy the rest of tomorrow and—"

"Excuse me..." I paused for a second and slowly turn around.

Then I screamed in silence when I saw a pale looking bluenette girl who is tugging my uniform! But she looks kinda cute when she does that and at the same time abit scared! 

"uhm... I am looking for Kuroko Tetsuya." She asked with her crystal light blue eyes staring at me.

"uhmm..." I said as I looked around to see alot of my teammates frozen in their places, shocked.

"Eh? Tetsumi-chan? Is that you?" I jumped in suprise when I saw a light blue haired boy who is standing next to me, Whats with the presence!?

"Tetsuchi!!" The little bluenette cheered gave Kuroko a big hug and a kiss... on the cheek?!

'Damn you Kuroko! You always being approached by girls!' The team thought...

'Shheessh...' Kagami sweat dropped as he saw two blunettes hugging...

"Long time no see Tetsumi-chan." Kuroko smiled alittle only noticed by so called 'Tetsumi girl 

"I miss you so much Tetsuchi!!" The girl hug Kuroko as we stared at them with a confused look on our faces.

"uhm... who might you be?" I interrupted their moment and the bluenettes breakfree from their hug and she hid behind Kuroko.

"uhm... Im—" The little girl stopped when Kuroko-kun interrupted her.

"This is Kuroko Tetsumi, my twin sister." He said bluntly.

"EHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!" We scream with a surprised on our face, when did Kuroko has a sister?! A twin sister! He never tell us that he has a sister for crying out loud!

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