Chapter 4: Hanamiya Maki

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Chapter 4 Hanamiya Maki

Kuroko Tetsumi's POV

~3 days ago~

"Tetsuchi! I need to go somewhere!" I said to Tetsuchi.

"Where are you going?" Tetsuchi asked as he set the food on the table and sat down.

"I will be staying over at Makichi's place, if thats okay with you?" I pleaded as I sat down on the dining area and ate our lunch, its curry made by my beloved brother and its delicious!

Tetsuchi suddenly paused and became silent for abit, only Nigou was enjoying his food while the two of us stared at each other. I was nervous on my seat, I know what Tetsuchi is thinking and I am prepared for this.

"You're going to visit her or... him." He asks, emphasizing the last word he said. I became more silent, I know what will happen when I answer him, he will be mad and scold me.

"W-well..." I muttered and looked at the plate infront of me.

"I once had a match with your former school. We were opponents that time, I did my best to have a fun, serious and fair match for you. But the way he plays everytime he gets the ball, its unacceptable. I can see from him that he manipulates your teammates, he plans to unintentionally let his teammates to hurt others." He said.

He then narrows his eyes on me, I may tease and playfully pushes Tetsuchi around but I know my limits, he has limits. I know that he gets serious and mad at times like this either something else or something that made me indanger because of my carelessness. He just loves his sister, he is very protective since I am the youngest so thats why. 

I looked down and pouted as I avoid looking at Tetsuchi who I can see in his eyes that he is very serious, I admit that I am a spoiled brat to my brother so thats why I cant stand and get sad when he is mad at me. I heard him sigh and peeked on him, he is eating his food while not looking at my direction.

"Promise me that you will be mindful around him, I know you are smart about this... okay?" He said. I softly smiled and nodded.

"I will!"

~At the station~

After hours of waiting, the train finally stops to its destination. I grabbed my bag and went outside, as I walked out of the station and saw...

"Tetsucha~!" I saw her outside the station, I paused for awhile to look at her. gosh she changed! She became prettier and livelier!

She doesnt wear her glasses anymore and her hair! It was long, a long hair that reaches her waist. her hair is Dead black, but beautiful like a black butterfly.With her bright, grey eyes which made her cuter. She may be pale by her look, she is very strong very strong. Unlike her brother, she is a total opposite, she is vibrant, nice and caring. She smiles alot and loves basketball as well. She is a manager of basketball  with me back in Juniors, and still became a manager of basketball club in Senior. She is...

Hanamiya Maki. My best friend.

"Makichi~!!!! Long time no see~!" I jumped and hug her tightly. She is tall after all.

" tooo..! C-ca...breat-the!!" I quickly break free from her.

"S-sorry Makichi!"

"hehe long time no see Tetsucha!" She said and grabbed my bag, "Lets hang out for awhile!"


We went to a cafe shop around the corner and talked about my stay here in Japan with my brother, we talked about all the things we missed out each other. As we talked about our separate school, it made me sad to think that its lonely when you are not with your bestfriend anymore.

"Hows school so far?" She asks me.

"Its great! people are nice and the usual spooked like they seen a ghost!" I said as she laughs on the last part.

"How about you Makichi? Hows school?" I asked this time, I can see a hint of sadness in her eyes which made me stop drinking and looked at her sincerely.

"Well kinda lonely though, after you left I was abit sad because... you know, they graduated and you went abroad." She gave me a smile but I was not convinced.

"Im sorry... that time I was not able to object, it was sudden because of what happened between me and-" I was cut of when she interrupted.

"No! I totally understand the situation and we talked about this with Teppi! We three promised to each other that its for the best right?" She said, I smiled.

"But we are still in different school despite youre here for good." She trailed of somewhere.

"You had no choice but to look out for your brother Makichi, its fine." I reassures her, she then looked at me.

"Yeah..." We were silent for awhile when she spoke.

"I cant leave my brother alone because he would do or get in trouble because of his situation." She looked at her drink probably remembering the past.

"Makichi..." I said and held her hand on the table.

"No its okay! it already happened! And... I dont want to see... Teppei again... " She mutters.

"Eh? wait... but why!" I was surprised when she said that she doesnt want to see Teppi anymore, but its not even her fault for what happened!

"I feel guilty everytime I remember-"

"No Makichi! It was NEVER your fault! It already happened! whats done its done." I grabbed her hand and tightly hold her, I dont want to let her see any pain and pity from me, I want to reassure that she did not anything wrong.

I let Makichi calm down for abit before we go out of the shop and went to an arcade for lighten her mood after the heart to heart talk awhile ago.

"Look Makichi! Race cars!"

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