Chapter 17 -Flashback-

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Chapter 17 Part 2 of 2

Its been a year since I migrated here and its my last two months before I move up to senior and I cant express how much I had fun with Taichi and Tatsuchi, they became my best friends ever since and I was like a little sister to them now. We would constantly hang out here in the court after school and we would play and have fun, they understood me and that made our relationship closer.

But my parents finally decides to let me go back to Japan and finish my high school there once I finish my junior high here, meaning I have to leave the two behind which they accepted yet they are still sad about it, everyone does when your best friend will move far away.

"I heard from our father that they decided to put you back in Japan and finish your studies there." Sister told me which it took me by surprise, it was a good news to me because I can finally go back and see my friends.

But what about the two?

"Thats great." I timidly said because I just cried awhile ago and my sister just heard me crying in my room. Despite the fact that im happy with the news, theres still that pain in my chest as if its making my whole body heavier.

"And that means you will be united with the person." She told me, I just nodded and became silent.

"How did you know?" I leaned on the headboard of my bed and look at the window... it was raining. I felt her move and sat next to me.

"Im your sister Tetsumi, I know and see everything because I am absolute." She said which made me looked at her with my poker face while she initiate a certain guy and gestured a snapping of scissor on her hand.

"Im just kidding!"

The next day I would come here every morning to play basketball here at the court where most of the teenage dudes come here to play. Im all by myself today since its early in the morning but sometimes I would see some guys I know and join with them. Since I cried my heart out last night, I want to be alone and get away with social media for awhile and just go outside, breathe in some fresh air and exhale all that heaviness in my chest and just play to my heart content.

I stood in the middle of the court with the ball in my hands, I closed my eyes to feel the breeze of the morning wind, the sound of the chirping birds, the morning sunlight touches my soft skin and to let it dry from the last nights sorrow. I concentrated and let my consciousness take over my body and slowly opened may eye...

Empress' eyes.

Imagining a practise match, a court, the cheer of the students inside a gym of a school because its just a practice match and it was me alone versus a team.

I positioned myself, #1 ready for a defense, I then fake from right to left but #1 blocked me but I knew #1 would block my fake so I did another fake to the right and swiftly passed #1. My fake was so perfect like Tetsuchi, he trained me to do a fake smoothly with him every chance I got to practise with him in the afternoon.

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