Chapter 2: Injury...

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Chapter 2 Injury...

Kuroko Tetsumi's POV

"Ne Teppi what would you like?"

"Iced tea please~" I inserted some coins on the vending machine and got the drinks I wanted.

"Here!" I gave the Iced Tea can to him.


Ahh! I miss these kinds of vending machines! In America, they dont usually have vending machines since convience store is pretty much everywhere. I lived a litter away from the big city, and yes. I migrated about a year and a half... I left right after the Teppi and the others graduated. I missed my team so much, especially Teppi, my bestfriend and... him.

"I heard that they went to Rakuzan... right?" I said while sipping my hot cocoa in can.

"Ah yeah" he said, we walked in silence until we reached the park. I sat on the bench near the court where there are some teenagers playing basketball at this kind of night. They looked so happy...

"Well except one." he added. I looked at him and went back on watching at the small court near us.

"Oh yeah, him...Kiri..what?" I said.

"Kirisaki Daichi..." he corrected. oh there? Well... thats close to their home anyways.

"I heard about it..."I said suddenly  then looked at his knee. I looked at it for awhile and looked at his eyes.. those sad eyes.

"I didn't know... that..." I muttered and put my gaze on the ground. The thoughts run through my feelings and it tightens me the fact that I was not here. I was not able to stop that day. I was not able to change what is supposed to happen...

"No Tetsumi. It already happened. Its not your fault." He said, while shaking his head. He then placed his hand on my hand reassuring me that its not my fault about what happened.

I didnt know that this would happen... if I went home early this would not have happened. If only I stopped him... but... it already happened. Teppi pat my head and smiled at me, I could see sadness in him yet he tries to lighten my mood. I know Teppi does not want me to worry so I just smiled at him, to refrain from giving him any stress that might cause his injury to worsen.

After we talked about my stay in America and other stuff, we decided to head back home.

"Bye Teppi! Say hi to grandma and grandpa for me!" I waved.

"Bye Tetsumi! Becareful!" Teppi said and walked to the other direction.

I slightly closed my left eye to further deepen my observation to the person walking away from me...

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