Chapter 3: Dinner at Maji Burger!

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Chapter 3 Dinner at Maji Burger!

Kuroko Tetsumi's POV

"Rikochi, we need to make 2x harder to their training, their passing is not fast enough..." I said to Rikochi as I write it on her notebook then she gave me a nod.

"Hmmm... you're right. I did what I can to improve their strength on their lower body so passing will be bearable. " She murmured while she taps her pen on the clipboard. Rikochi and I watch edthe team go against the freshmen and the senpais like their usual practice. I just want to see them in play like they usually do so that I can analyse what each of them do inside the court.

"Teppi is looking good, you did a really good job in rehabilitating his legs Rikochi." I said as I watch Teppi blocked Furihata-kun's shot. He then jogs his way to his side and I can see that he uses fast, big steps to quickly go to his position so that there wont be pressure in using his legs. Its as if he is floating if you know what I mean.

"Yeah. As much as possible, we should not pressure his leg." Rikochi agrees.

"Ah! Nice pass Tetsuchi!" I cheered at Tetsuchi when he did his amazing misdirection passes who passed it to Taichi and doing his dunk which the Freshmen scored them points. The last time I seen him when they lost to Touo. I know because I watched them live through my phone and its not surprising that Daichi were able to get Tetsuchi's passes since Daichi is the former partner of my brother...

After the hellsing training that Rikochi and I held, we invited them all for a dinner at Maji Burger! Tetsuchi said they have delicious milkshake that I have neen craving for since I got back!

"Tetsuchi! I will order for both od us!" I cheerfully said and went to the cashier with Teppi, Hyuga-senpai, and Izuki-senpai.

While the team are busy chatting, laughing and looking at Taichi who is eating broccolis with his left hand yet fails which made the broccoli to fly everywhere. It even got in my hair despite the fact that I was on the other table with the senpais that made me irritated at him and threw back his broccoli which he caught it with his mouth and ate it that made us amused, laughed and disgused at the same time.

"You're like Nigou!" I laugh which made Taichi irritated and we all laugh at his reaction.

"Ne ne Rikochi.." Rikochi looked at me "Tetsuchi said we are going to a trip in the mountains. Is that true?" I asked her

"Oh right! We are going to the mountain to train there, but... its not yet certain. There are many locations we can go training but the budget for the trip is quite tight." Rikochi said and went back on her clipboard, I look over to see that there are many places with the numbers. Probably the phone number of the place we are going to stay.


'Thats the fifth one..' I looked at Taichi, I sweat dropped to see a broccoli slipped off his chopstick and bounced on his plate and went near to Tetsuchi's bag and thensuddenly Nigou popped his head out and caught the broccoli. "Arf!"

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