Chapter 27 Okonomiyaki

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Please read the message at the end, thank you! :)

Tetsumi's POV

Good thing the typhoon that's in our area is gone, it was a quick storm but everything went back to normal and the match between Seirin and Kirisaki Daiichi will continue its match tomorrow...

Everyone was in their homes training on their own when Rikochi and I check up on them through group message, it was crazy and messy when they make fun of each other as if there is no upcoming match, we were laughing and decided to let them continue their training.

As for me, I told Rikochi that I will be having Teppi and Tetsuchi be their mentor. She did not ask much and let me be and gave them their own training plans. It was a hard one, I know because I can see it from my brother that he is having a hard time but it's only a quick training yet a lot of workout plans. This is also to enhance his Ignite Pass Kai, especially his Vanishing Drive, he can use it now but it's up to him. As for you Teppi, his workouts are more focused on his knee to improve mobility and lessen any injury that may happen to him.

I even taught them the strategy they will follow but still cooperates with Rikochi's plan, I guess I am confident that they will do good in the match tomorrow...

It was still windy tonight as I walk out from the station, I look forward to see two people, one is waving at me that caught my attention, I walk towards them and hugged the two tightly.

"Long time no see, Makichi! Reo-Nee!" I greeted them both.

"We just saw each other the other day, what are you talking about Tetsucha!" Makichi jokes, I pouted at her and release the both of them.

"Yeah, when your team intentionally LOSE THE MATCH!" There were imaginary flames around me as I glare at Makichi, she just laughs it off as Reo-nee calm me down a bit.

"Ara ara~ calm down now, let us not cause a scene here in the middle of the way. save your feud later when we eat. Tonight it's-" Reo-nee was cut off when Makichi butts in between us.

"It's okonomiyaki night!" she cheers.

Once we get into our seats, the two immediately took the menus and started chatting over the meal they are going to order, me on the other hand, let them be for a bit and took my phone out when I felt a vibration. It was a message from him which took me by surprise.

'Don't get too comfortable during this time of night.' 

That is what written in the message, I just sighed and replied to Makochi, yes it was him who texted. Of course, he is worried about his little sister and should have texted her directly, especially the situation we are in at the moment.

Tomorrow, we will be on the opposite side of the court, fighting for the position to the WinterCup, we should be focusing on ourselves, to be prepared yet here he is, texting me, teasing me these past few days during the storm. Probably bored and that is why he decided to poke fun of me which is totally normal for him to do.

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