Chapter 28 Let's Do This

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Third Person's POV

The next day, the siblings woke up early in the morning as the two prepares themselves for breakfast before going to school. The match will be held in the afternoon so there will be enough time to prepare for the team. As for Kuroko Tetsuya, he was enjoying his cup of coffee while watching the news on the television, enjoying his breakfast while his sister, Kuroko Tetsumi on the other hand, was doing the total opposite. The house was filled with her voice shouting and stomping upstairs that can be heard in the living room where he is sitting.

Tetsuya looked at the stairway to see his sister quickly goes down the stairs with her phone placed on her ear, she was wearing a grumpy expression on her face, it was then Tetsuya realized what is happening on his sister right now.

"Is it dad?" Tetsuya spoke, Tetsumi turns around to face her brother on the table eating, she nodded and paces back and forth in the living room. Tetsuya just watched his sister.

"Come on, onee-chan! Now is really not the time to ask for a favor, I have a game that I must attend at all cost! Can't you let dad do the work for a little longer? I'm really so-- I'm so sorry, I really can't-- bye..." Tetsumi spoke, you could feel the stress from her voice, Tetsuya was quiet as he watches the scene.

He knows what is happening, his family runs a few businesses in America and Japan, every time their father asks for help to take care the business, one of his sisters has to fly over to the other country and work for two months or it can take a year, just like what happened to their big sister, Mei, when both of his sisters migrated in America to study abroad and also to take care of the business. Tetsuya, on the other hand, is on the side of their mother as their mother runs a hot spring resort in their province. Tetsumi ended the call and took a breathe then went over to the table to eat.

"Business?" Tetsuya asked his sister, she just nodded and stuffed her face with cereals, "what happened? Did dad asked for another babysitting?" Tetsumi sighed before answering.

"Yeah, he wants either me or onee-chan to fly back again to take care of his business, it was so stressful because now is very crucial. Dad can't just ask for favors so suddenly because we have our own lives!" She complains as Tetsuya listened.

"I'm sure dad will understand, don't let it bother you since today is very important for all of us," Tetsuya said and started cleaning his plates. Tetsumi was quiet as she watches her brother in the kitchen sink.

"Tetsumi, is it true that this will be the last tournament that Kyoshi-senpai will be participating in?" Tetsumi was silent when her brother spoke, she then looked at him with his back towards her.

"Did Teppi told you?" Tetsumi asked he shook his head.

"No, it was Hyuga-senpai who told the story." He said, she just nodded by his response.

"Yes, it is..." Tetsumi said, remembering what Maki told her when she's in America.

It was a mixed feeling of anger, disappointment, and sadness back then when she heard what happened to her best friend and what he did to him. She then confronted Hanamiya about what happened at their match when he did not hesitate to tell the truth that he really did hurt her friend. She was so angry at him at that time and the reason why their communication for each other lessens until there was no communication at all. She was mad at him for what he did and did not do anything to apologize for his actions.

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