Chapter 29

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(Maks pov)
I just wanted to go on a walk. I just needed to think that's all. I came to this small neighborhood and it looked so cool so I went into the none busy road and took a picture to post. I disabled the comments to avoid any of the boys telling me to come back. I didn't want to go back, not yet. I was enjoying the time to myself I was getting for the first time in 2 and half weeks. There were so many people to look at, shops to go into, it was so different than any other city I had been to, I loved New York.

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seaveymakenna: doing a little exploring on my own today
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After posting the picture I heard my phone ring.
"Great" I said to myself
I took my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Daniel calling me, considering I had just run away I thought it would be best to at least answer him.
Phone call
D - Daniel
M- Mak
D- hello?
M- hey Daniel
D- Mak are you insane, you just left, I mean I get you wanted to go think but you could have at least told me of all people where you were going, all of us are freaking out, you're lucky the show got moved to 10 and we have more time.
M- I know Daniel I'm sorry but it's only 3 now anyways so don't expect me back anytime soon, has jack said anything?
D- he hasn't spoken to any of us since you left, I think he may be crying but I'm not sure I can't really tell and I don't really care about him at the moment
M- Daniel he didn't do anything that bad to me personally
D- yeah except make you fall for him when he was already practically dating someone else, Mak come on are you hearing yourself
M- I know Daniel, I know, but I would have fallen for him either way, it's been him since I got here, I would have been crushing on him even if he had a girlfriend
D- Mak I understand that but come on, if he's already cheated on someone once what's going to stop him from doing it again
M- Daniel I really don't want to talk about this right now I have to go
D- WAIT, I'm going to text you the address of a shoe store were going to before the show because Corbyns girlfriend is going to surprise him, please meet us there so we can all make sure we get to the show on time
M- yeah okay, what time
D- 7
M- k. Bye
D- love you lil sis I'm always here to talk if you need me
M- I know
End of phone call

After I got off the phone with Daniel I looked at my notifications
64 texts and 23 calls from Avery ☺️💓
56 texts and 14 calls from amigo 🕴🏼
58 texts and 17 calls from zachy 🌹
60 texts from brother bear 🐻
42 texts and 10 calls from corb 🍥

I decided to open jacks texts just to see what he has to say
Avery ☺️💓 : baby
Avery ☺️💓 : babygirl I know how mad you are but please let me explain, and apologize
Avery ☺️💓: Makenna I know you're upset with me and I'm sorry I'm such a shitty boyfriend I mean we just started dating today and I'm already ruining this, I'm sorry I'm a selfish asshole I was just trying to do to many things at once, I did call things of with Mackenzie before I asked you out I promise, I knew it was you, but it's hard letting someone you have such a history with go, it hurts to let someone like that go
Avery ☺️💓: that probably made me sound even more shitty wow I suck at this look I just need to talk to you please baby
Avery ☺️💓: Mak I swear there is an explanation to all of this, I was never officially dating Mackenzie I never cheated on her, I know I can't make any of this seem right because no matter how you say it, I'll always sound like a cheater
Avery ☺️💓: Mak I promise I care about you so much, I would never hurt you, I swear baby please come back, please text me, or call me, I just need to hear your voice and talk

All 64 texts basically sounded the same, I want to call him I really do, or text him, I want to talk this through with him. I know I shouldn't just run away from my problems. I just have trust issues ever since I got cheated on in my last relationship it's always a thought in the back of my mind that it will happen again and I'll never be good enough for anyone. I decided to text jack, he at least deserves something

Me: jack, look I've been hurt before, I've been in love before, and I've been cheated on before, this whole situation is all to familiar, because I was never suppose to care for you as much as I do, but I do, I care about you so unbelievably much that I feel like if I lose you I won't breathe, but jack you cheated, you did, I consider what you did cheating, and how am I suppose to know you won't do it again, how am I suppose to know that you'll think I'm enough, maybe I'm not enough for you jack, maybe you will find someone better and then what happens? I get hurt jack. I get messed up jack, do you know what feeling like you're not enough does to a person? It ruins a person jack, and I don't want to be ruined.

I sent that text, hoping he'd understand and hoping he'd say something, something to fix this whole thing, because I'm head over heels for this boy, and honestly even though I'm hurting, the only thing that will stop me from hurting, is him. I heard my phone buzz and looked at it.

Avery ☺️💓: baby please tell me where you are I want to come talk to you and fix this, fix us, please baby tell me

Me: I'm at a small sushi place at the corner of cunning ave and elm street, don't tell Daniel you're coming to see me, he doesn't like the thought of you and me very much right now.

Avery ☺️💓: I know baby don't worry I'm coming

I sighed and tried to think what I'm going to say to him, I want to forgive him for what he did to her and for him lying to me, but I don't know how to be sure it won't happen again.

Alright that's the chapter as of now, I haven't edited it but I hope it makes some sense, I haven't been able to sleep in 36 hours because I'm on vacation with my family and we've been so busy haha. Don't forget to vote and comment!!

Question: do you like sushi?
Answer: nope not even a little

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