Chapter 15

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(Maks pov)
"Okay let's talk" I said to Daniel
The three of us walked over the the seating area in the room. Jack and I sat side by side on the couch while Daniel sat in a chair facing us.
Jacks arm was placed behind my back and I was resting back on it. Daniel just seemed tense which was odd because he never was when talking to me.
"Okay I'm just going to say something and I'm going to finish my whole thought and then you both can say whatever in response" Daniel said while jack and I nodded in response.
"Okay so Mak you know I hate being the over protective older brother because you're only a little over 2 years  younger than me (I'm changing makennas age to go better with the story so she is 15 and her birthday is going to be a day during tour so she'll turn 16 during the story) and I prefer to be your fun older brother that's more like a best friend to you than anything but I realized how truly weird it will be having my best friend date my sister. Don't get me wrong I want you both to be happy but the picture you sent me from the car today, and each of you're posts made me realize how terrible this could end. What am I Meant to do if you date and break up? Side with my sister or best friend? And if I pick the wrong side I ruin a band, or family, and if I don't pick a side tension builds till I lose both or we all lose one I should say. Alright I'm good for now someone came speak" he said finishing
Jack began to open his mouth but I put my hand on his to let him know it was alright and I wanted to talk so he stopped and let me go.
"Look Daniel those pictures I sent you from the car were meant as a joke and I've been in this house for what three days, TODAY IS LITERALLY DAY THREE DANIEL, how am I even meant to know if I want to date jack, no actually how am I even meant to know if I like jack in three days. Yet here you are trying to tell us we can't be together."  I said finishing
"Look Makenna I know you both know by now how you feel about eachother, or how you will end up feeling about eachother, or what will be happening here if something isn't done here so don't kid yourself saying you don't know because I know you better than anyone I know you know" Daniel said still remaining to keep is voice lowered not yelling
"Look bro if anything happens here it's on us you might think you can have a say but relationships are between two people not there in the end it's our choice." Jack said to Daniel, and now I'm waiting for Daniel to start yelling.
"AT THE TIME I HAD NO INTENTION OF BEING WITH HER I HAD ANGELA" jack said instantly looking at me once he said her name
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT" I said yelling as loud if not louder than them.
"YOU" I said looking at jack "YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHO ANGELA WAS WHEN I MENTIONED HER TODAY JONAH HAD TO TELL ME" I said infuriated at not just jack but this whole conversation.
"AND YOU" I said looking at Daniel "are an amazing brother and I love you but YOU NEED TO LEARN WHEN TO BACK OFF AND AT THE MOMENT YOU'RE WRONG YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IM THINKING ABOUT THIS BECAUSE ITS BEEN THREE DAYS AND IM JUST CONFUSED" I said getting up and storming out of the room.
(Jacks pov)
Mak stormed out of the room obviously pissed at Daniel and I. More so me at the moment because I lied to her and Daniel didn't even yell at her just me. Maybe Daniel was right tho, were we not thinking about how big of an impact is being together could impact everything.
"Why would you lie to her" Daniel said
"Dude I don't know I didn't want to bring up Angela when we were having a great day together" I said
"Look man I care about everyone in the situation I just don't like seeing anyone hurt and right now my sisters hurt, because of both of us, she been here for three days Jack and is already having more problems than I can count and none of them are her fault they're ours" Daniel said while I nodded in agreement
"I really do care about her I'm just scared man" I said honestly
"I know, I know you both care about eachother and like you said in the end it's not really my decision I want you and everyone else to be happy but seriously dude it was kind of a d¡ck move lying to her like that" he said and I again nodded in agreement
"Let her have space trust me she doesn't want to see either of us right now" Daniel said getting up leaving me there to think.
I wish I never dated Angela, I should have listened to the guys when they said she'd make everything harder on me but some how I ended up on the phone with her last night after a month of us breaking up. Everything seemed okay? I don't know. I hope Mak forgives me, I really hope I didn't drive her away. It was only around 6 so I decided to go see what the guys were up to. I walked into the kitchen to find them al sitting around the island talking about tour.
"Can Mak sing?" Zach asked
"Are you and idiot just because they're siblings doesn't mean they can both sing" corbyn said
"No she can, I heard her today in the car" jack said
"Yeah she can my parents made sure both of us got the same level of musical education and stuff so we both sing and play the same instruments" Daniel said
"She should open for us on tour" Jonah suggested
"I mean I'm fine with it she'll be there anyways" zach said
"I think it's a cool idea, the seavey duo" corbyn said
"Yeah" I said trying not to think more about Mak
"I'll ask her tomorrow she's kinda mad at jack and I right now so I don't expect seeing her for the rest of the night" Daniel said
"I'll go check on her. I mean someone should" zach said and I just nodded
"I'll come too I mean she's my best friend" Jonah said laughing
(Maks pov)
Not sure if anyone has caught on but I'm not one for crying when I feel sad, or get confused, or get upset I just kinda sit there thinking. I was sitting thinking when I heard a knock on the door.
"If this is Daniel of jack you can leave now" i said
"It's zach and Jonah" zach said
"I thought it was zach and Cody?" I said laughing at my joke
"Wow original can we come in" zach said laughing through the door.
I honestly enjoyed having zach around because he was my age, well a few months older than me because I'm still 15 and he's 16 but like same thing. Jonah and zach walked in my room and we call sat under my covers. We stayed watching prison break on my tv until about 9 when Jonah finally spoke up.
"I'm going to head to see what the other guys are doing" he said
"Okay no problem I'm going to stay here" zach said
"Thanks for staying zach" I said
"No problem" he said
I cuddled into zachs side and he put his arm around my waist. It wasn't in a relationship way though it was more of a comforting way. I finally fell to sleep with zach by my side.
So basically I changed Maks age just so my ideas for the story could work a little better and Daniel being so over protective makes a little more sense. I hope you don't mind. But also JEEPERS CREEPERS I'm almost at 1k reads like what even. I'm a terrible writer so I don't know how you all do it but thank you!!
Make sure you vote and answer the question because that's always fun and I like hearing what your opinions are.
Question: do you ship zach and Mak of jack and Mak?
Answer: I don't have one for this question lol.

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