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Young min pov
"I can change reality....?"

Sanghyuk nodded his head ,"Probably.I mean you have the royal blood.So I'm not really surprised that your power is of such greatness."

"I don't know....What if I can't control this power like the previous times?Ill be unable to follow on from the memories I've made.Only being the one to remember them."

Sanghyuk looked at me and took out a stop watch.He said "This....Was given by my late Father.This watch allows you to stop time for One minute.Nothing more nothing less.And I want to give this to you."

"M-Me?Why?Its from your Father,I can't just take it."

Sanghyuk shaked his head "Im sure he'll be happy to give this watch to you as well.My Father was actually killed by....Clara's family.He went against their beliefs and he got punished.Now I can't even disobey Clara,Please young min,Take it."

I reached for the stop watch and stared at it.

"So how would this help me?"

Sanghyuk said "Whenever you see a glint of light across your eyes,it means that you're power is about to activate.When that happens,immediately use this watch to stop time.You would be given one minute to decide what to do with reality.If you just wait it out,your powers would be deactivated.But if you really want to change reality,you have to do it within the one minute."

"Man that's really confusing.But I Guess that I'll give it a try.And sanghyuk,I'm really sorry for treating you like a betrayer even though you were trying to look out for me."

Sanghyuk looked at me in surprise and that smiled "Yeah it's okay.Oh and just now I told you that I'll tell you why V is like this."

I clenched the watch closer to my heart and nodded.
Sanghyuk said "He traded his freedom for your life.If he didn't become loyal to Clara,she wouldn't have given up the antidote for you."

"V what???His freedom?No....What should I do sanghyuk???"

Sanghyuk looked at me directly into my eyes and said:

"Change reality."

A/n:Aishhh.This was a really short chapter
( ̄▽ ̄"").  I'll produce better and longer chapters soon!!See ya!!

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