What is happening

676 17 3

V pov

Young Min's been taking a break for too long.Is she really okay?

"Young min!!!where are you??"

Someone suddenly tapped my shoulder from behind.I turned around and saw young min.

"Young min!Are you alright??"

Young min smiled to me cheekily "I have never felt better!"

Well I'm Glad she's better now.But....There's something off...
I looked to her neck and saw a strange necklace,it had a greenish hue to it.
I pointed to her neck and said,

"Where did you get that from?I didn't see you wearing that earlier on."

Young min gasped "You didn't see my necklace??I picked it out for you to notice it...I'm sad you didn't see it."

"Oh!Nonono I'm sorry.It looks beautiful on you!"

Young min smiled "Let's go and dance."


I placed my arm around her waist.At a moment I thought I saw the necklace glowing.

What am I thinking.My mind is just playing tricks on me...


Suddenly the lights went off.And the music suddenly changed to a game show music.

"What is this?I thought they were going to have a slow dance?"

Young min grabbed my arm and said "What's happening.We need to go now."

"Young min??Youre acting strange.Lets stay.I want to see what's happening."

She sighed "Okay."

Suddenly the lights panned over to the stage and two girls with masks on were on it.

Hmm....That girl....She's wearin the same dress as young min.

I looked over to young min and saw her frowning ,she said "LETS GO!"

"Hang on!Whats wrong?Tell me."

Young min was desperately pulling me to the exit when suddenly the spotlight was on us.

"What in the world...."

One of the girls on the stage said "COME ON UP!PROM KING AND QUEEN!"

Everyone cheered even the boys (rap mon jin Suga Jimin jungkook jhope).

"P-prom king..."

Young min suddenly came to a halt.She grinned and said "Hmph....I'll go with it."

"Young min???"

We went up onto the stage.One of the girls said "Oh no!V!"


The girl said "Who's hand are you holding??"

I turned around and saw young min.

"What on earth are you talking about???"

My monster Taehyung V fanfiction Bts(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now