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A/n: HEY GUYS!I won't be updating tmr.So the next chapter would be next week.And the reason issssss.Im going to WANNAONE fanmeet.Hehehh.Im really excited.I can't wait to see all of them I'm gonna faint.
Okay back to the story٩(˃̶͈̀˂̶͈́)و

Young min pov
Everything is seriously just not going the way I want it to be....
I walked towards the playground nearby.Where me and V met the twilights...
I sat on the end of the slides.

I long for V's affection.I Just....I miss Him so much.
I can't even use my power right now even if I want to!I clasp my hands to my face and felt my tears.
Me being emotional just isn't right.He traded his freedom for me.But what am I doing here?Being petty over just him hanging out with Yong Hye??


I heard leaves being stepped on and the footsteps got closer and closer.
I swiftly tried to look at the time without looking up.I saw that it was already 11 o clock.

Oh shit...I gotta make a run.Just when I was about to kick the person in the head before running,he caught my leg and pushed me down.


I looked up and my vision got clearer and it focused onto the persons face.


It was V.He was panting.

I loosened my strength and looked straight into his eyes.
V looked into my eyes deeply as well.
He had the saddest eyes I've ever seen in my life.


He cut me off with a deep kiss.I gave in and went with him.

He finally released the kiss and his looked at me once again with those sad eyes.

"I miss you...."
I said it finally.

V teared up and he heard those words.
Don't cry!
V wiped the tears away.
He mumbled "What am I doing..."
He suddenly stood up and turned around to leave.

"HEY!!Dont leave me again!!!I know about the deal you made with Clara.You don't have to listen to her!"

V ignored me once again just like all those other times.
But I'm not gonna lose him again.
I ran towards him and hugged him.
He stood still.

"V!!Im not letting you go this time!I still haven't said this to you yet!Please don't go.I love you v.I love you so much till my heart break when you aren't around."

V froze.

"Please say something.Please V.Clara won't be able to hurt me anymore."

V turned around finally but his eyes were emotionless like as if he have decided to cut off all his feelings at that moment.He gently removed my arms from his waist.

V said "I'm sorry.But I'm not going to take the risk.You are just too...Important to me."

"But .But I said I love you!So that's all it matters!Just come home!We'll make it work."

V shaked his head and looked once more into my eyes and said "There's nothing to work on."

He walked away once more.
I'm letting him slip away again.No....
Why is it getting darker and blurry?
V is getting further and it's hard to see him again.

My monster Taehyung V fanfiction Bts(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now